Tag Archives: UNIX

3 Useful UNIX commands you might not know


The command nohup (stands for “No hang up”) allows your script to run even if you quit the terminal. It can be very useful, especially if your terminal has been opened through ssh and you have a dodgy connection. It can be used as follows:

nohup python my_script.py > log.out &

nohup will automatically append the output from your script to a file named nohup.out. By adding the > log.out part of the command you can save the output to a different file of your choice.

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On the Virtues of the Command Line

Wind the clock back about 50 years, and you would have found the DSKY interface—with a display (DS) and keyboard (KY)—quite familiar. It was frontend to the guidance computer used on the Apollo missions, that ultimately allowed Neil Armstrong to utter that celebrated, “One small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind.” The device effectively used a command line.

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