Tag Archives: smiles

How to easily use pharmacophoric atom features to turn ECFPs into FCFPs

Today’s post builds on my earlier blogpost on how to turn a SMILES string into an extended-connectivity fingerprint using RDKit and describes an interesting and easily implementable modification of the extended-connectivity fingerprint (ECFP) featurisation. This modification is based on representing the atoms in the input compound at a different (and potentially more useful) level of abstraction.

We remember that each binary component of an ECFP indicates the presence or absence of a particular circular subgraph in the input compound. Circular subgraphs that are structurally isomorphic are further distinguished according to their inherited atom- and bond features, i.e. two structurally isomorphic circular subgraphs with distinct atom- or bond features correspond to different components of the ECFP. For chemical bonds, this distinction is made on the basis of simple bond types (single, double, triple, or aromatic). To distinguish atoms, standard ECFPs use seven features based on the Daylight atomic invariants [1]; but there is also another less commonly used and often overlooked version of the ECFP that uses pharmacophoric atom features instead [2]. Pharmacophoric atom features attempt to describe atomic properties that are critical for biological activity or binding to a target protein. These features try to capture the potential for important chemical interactions such as hydrogen bonding or ionic bonding. ECFPs that use pharmacophoric atom features instead of standard atom features are called functional-connectivity fingerprints (FCFPs). The exact sets of standard- vs. pharmacophoric atom features for ECFPs vs. FCFPs are listed in the table below.

In RDKit, ECFPs can be changed to FCFPs extremely easily by changing a single input argument. Below you can find a Python/RDKit implementation of a function that turns a SMILES string into an FCFP if use_features = True and into an ECFP if use_features = False.

# import packages
import numpy as np
from rdkit.Chem import AllChem

# define function that transforms a SMILES string into an FCFP if use_features = True and into an ECFP if use_features = False
def FCFP_from_smiles(smiles,
                     R = 2,
                     L = 2**10,
                     use_features = True,
                     use_chirality = False):
    - smiles ... SMILES string of input compound
    - R ... maximum radius of circular substructures
    - L ... fingerprint-length
    - use_features ... if true then use pharmacophoric atom features, if false then use standard DAYLIGHT atom features
    - use_chirality ... if true then append tetrahedral chirality flags to atom features
    - np.array(feature_list) ... FCFP/ECFP with length L and maximum radius R
    molecule = AllChem.MolFromSmiles(smiles)
    feature_list = AllChem.GetMorganFingerprintAsBitVect(molecule,
                                                         radius = R,
                                                         nBits = L,
                                                         useFeatures = use_features,
                                                         useChirality = use_chirality)
    return np.array(feature_list)

The use of pharmacophoric atom features makes FCFPs more specific to molecular interactions that drive biological activity. In certain molecular machine-learning applications, replacing ECFPs with FCFPs can therefore lead to increased performance and decreased learning time, as important high-level atomic properties are presented to the learning algorithm from the start and do not need to be inferred statistically. However, the standard atom features used in ECFPs contain more detailed low-level information that could potentially still be relevant for the prediction task at hand and thus be utilised by the learning algorithm. It is often unclear from the outset whether FCFPs will provide a substantial advantage over ECFPs in a given application; however, given how easy it is to switch between the two, it is almost always worth trying out both options.

[1] Weininger, David, Arthur Weininger, and Joseph L. Weininger. “SMILES. 2. Algorithm for generation of unique SMILES notation.” Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 29.2 (1989): 97-101.

[2] Rogers, David, and Mathew Hahn. “Extended-connectivity fingerprints.” Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 50.5 (2010): 742-754.

How to turn a SMILES string into an extended-connectivity fingerprint using RDKit

After my posts on how to turn a SMILES string into a molecular graph and how to turn a SMILES string into a vector of molecular descriptors I now complete this series by illustrating how to turn the SMILES string of a molecular compound into an extended-connectivity fingerprint (ECFP).

ECFPs were originally described in a 2010 article of Rogers and Hahn [1] and still belong to the most popular and efficient methods to turn a molecule into an informative vectorial representation for downstream machine learning tasks. The ECFP-algorithm is dependent on two predefined hyperparameters: the fingerprint-length L and the maximum radius R. An ECFP of length L takes the form of an L-dimensional bitvector containing only 0s and 1s. Each component of an ECFP indicates the presence or absence of a particular circular substructure in the input compound. Each circular substructure has a center atom and a radius that determines its size. The hyperparameter R defines the maximum radius of any circular substructure whose presence or absence is indicated in the ECFP. Circular substructures for a central nitrogen atom in an example compound are depicted in the image below.

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How to turn a SMILES string into a vector of molecular descriptors using RDKit

Molecular descriptors are quantities associated with small molecules that specify physical or chemical properties of interest. They can be used to numerically describe many different aspects of a molecule such as:

  • molecular graph structure,
  • lipophilicity (logP),
  • molecular refractivity,
  • electrotopological state,
  • druglikeness,
  • fragment profile,
  • molecular charge,
  • molecular surface,

Vectors whose components are molecular descriptors can be used (amongst other things) as high-level feature representations for molecular machine learning. In my experience, molecular descriptor vectors tend to fall slightly short of more low-level molecular representation methods such as extended-connectivity fingerprints or graph neural networks when it comes to predictive performance on large and medium-sized molecular property prediction data sets. However, one advantage of molecular descriptor vectors is their interpretability; there is a reasonable chance that the meaning of a physicochemical descriptor can be intuitively understood by a chemical expert.

A wide variety of useful molecular descriptors can be automatically and easily computed via RDKit purely on the basis of the SMILES string of a molecule. Here is a code snippet to illustrate how this works:

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How to turn a SMILES string into a molecular graph for Pytorch Geometric

Despite some of their technical issues, graph neural networks (GNNs) are quickly being adopted as one of the state-of-the-art methods for molecular property prediction. The differentiable extraction of molecular features from low-level molecular graphs has become a viable (although not always superior) alternative to classical molecular representation techniques such as Morgan fingerprints and molecular descriptor vectors.

But molecular data usually comes in the sequential form of labeled SMILES strings. It is not obvious for beginners how to optimally transform a SMILES string into a structured molecular graph object that can be used as an input for a GNN. In this post, we show how to convert a SMILES string into a molecular graph object which can subsequently be used for graph-based machine learning. We do so within the framework of Pytorch Geometric which currently is one of the best and most commonly used Python-based GNN-libraries.

We divide our task into three high-level steps:

  1. We define a function that maps an RDKit atom object to a suitable atom feature vector.
  2. We define a function that maps an RDKit bond object to a suitable bond feature vector.
  3. We define a function that takes as its input a list of SMILES strings and associated labels and then uses the functions from 1.) and 2.) to create a list of labeled Pytorch Geometric graph objects as its output.
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