Tag Archives: Python

Visualising and validating differences between machine learning models on small benchmark datasets


Sam Money-Kyrle


An epidemic is sweeping through cheminformatics (and machine learning) research: ugly results tables. These tables are typically bloated with metrics (such as regression and classification metrics next to each other), vastly differing tasks, erratic bold text, and many models. As a consequence, results become difficult to analyse and interpret. Additionally, it is rare to see convincing evidence, such as statistical tests, for whether one model is ‘better’ than another (something Pat Walters has previously discussed). Tables are a practical way to present results and are appropriate in many cases; however, this practicality should not come at the cost of clarity.

The terror of ugly tables extends to benchmark leaderboards, such as Therapeutic Data Commons (TDC). These leaderboard tables do not show:

  1. whether differences in metrics between methods are statistically significant,
  2. whether methods use ensembles or single models,
  3. whether methods use classical (such as Morgan fingerprints) or learned (such as Graph Neural Networks) representations,
  4. whether methods are pre-trained or not,
  5. whether pre-trained models are supervised, self-supervised, or both,
  6. the data and tasks that pre-trained models are pre-trained on.

This lack of context makes meaningful comparisons between approaches challenging, obscuring whether performance discrepancies are due to variance, ensembling, overfitting, exposure to more data, or novelties in model architecture and molecular featurisation. Confirming the statistical significance of performance differences (under consistent experimental conditions!) is crucial in constructing a more lucid picture of machine learning in drug discovery. Using figures to share results in a clear, non-tabular format would also help.

Statistical validation is particularly relevant in domains with small datasets, such as drug discovery, as the small number of test samples leads to high variance in performance between different splits. Recent work by Ash et al. (2024) sought to alleviate the lack of statistical validation in cheminformatics by sharing a helpful set of guidelines for researchers. Here, we explore implementing some of the methods they suggest (plus some others) in Python.

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Controlling PyMol from afar

Do you keep downloading .pdb and .sdf files and loading them into PyMol repeatedly?

If yes, then PyMol remote might be just for you. With PyMol remote, you can control a PyMol session running on your laptop from any other machine. For example, from a Jupyter Notebook running on your HPC cluster.

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Building CLI Applications with Typer

Remember the last time you had to build a command-line tool? If you’re like me, you probably started with argparse or click, wrote boilerplate code, and still ended up with something that felt clunky. That’s where typer comes in – it’s a game-changer that lets you build CLI apps with minimal code. Although there are several other options, typer stands out because it leverages Python’s type hints to do the heavy lifting. No more manual argument parsing! The following snippet shows how to use typer in its simplest form:

import typer

app = typer.Typer()

def hello(name: str):
    typer.echo(f"Hello {name}!")

if __name__ == "__main__":

And you will be able to execute it with just:

$ python hello.py Pedro
Hello Pedro!

In this simple example, we were only defining positional arguments, but having optional arguments is as easy as setting default values in the function signature.

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Testing python (or any!) command line applications

Through our work in OPIG, many of our projects come in the form of code bases written in Python. These can be many different things like databases, machine learning models, and other software tools. Often, the user interface for these tools is developed as both a web app and a command line application. Here, I will discuss one of my favourite tools for testing command-line applications: prysk!

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Out of the box RDKit-valid is an imperfect metric: a review of the KekulizeException and nitrogen protonation to correct this

In deep learning based compound generation models the metric of fraction of RDKit-valid compounds is ubiquitous, but is problematic from the cheminformatics viewpoint as a large fraction may be driven by pyrrolic nitrogens (see below) rather than Texas carbons (carbon with 5 bonds like the Star of Texas). In RDKit, no error is more irksome that the KekulizeException or ValenceException from RDKit sanitisation. These are raised when the molecule is not correct. This would make the RDKit-valid a good metric, except for a small detail: the validity is as interpreted from the the stated implicit and explicit hydrogens and formal charges on the atoms, which most models do not assign. Therefore, a compound may not be RDKit-valid because it is actually impossible, like a Texas carbon, but in many cases it is because the formal charge or implicit hydrogen numbers of some atoms are incorrect. In both case, the major culprit is nitrogen. Herein I go through what they are and how to fix them, with a focus on aromatic nitrogens.

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Tanimoto similarity of ECFPs with RDKit: Common pitfalls

A common measure for the similarity of two molecules is the Tanimoto similarity of their ECFPs (Extended Connectivity FingerPrint). However, there is no clear standard in literature for what kind of ECFPs should be used when calculating the Tanimoto similarity, and that choice can lead to substantially different results. In this post I wish to shed light on some results you should know about before you jump into your calculations.

A blog post on how ECFPs are generated was written by Marcus Dablander in 2022 so please take a look at that. In short, ECFPs have a hyperparameter called the radius r, and sometimes a fingerprint length L. Each entry in the fingerprint indicates the presence or absence of a particular substructure in the molecule of interest, and the radius r defines how large the substructures that you consider are. If you have r=3 then you consider substructures made by going up to three hops away from each atom in your molecule. This is best explained by this figure from Marcus’ post:

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I really hope my compounds get the green light

As a cheminformatician in a drug discovery campaign or an algorithm developer making the perfect Figure 1, when one generates a list of compounds for a given target there is a deep desire that the compounds are well received by the reviewer, be it a med chemist on the team or a peer reviewer. This is despite scientific rigour and training and is due to the time invested. So to avoid the slightest shadow of med chem grey zone, here is a hopefully handy filter against common medchem grey-zone groups.

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Memory-mapped files for efficient data processing

Memory management is a key concern when working with large datasets. Many researchers and developers will load entire datasets into memory for processing. Although this is a straightforward approach that allows for quick access and manipulation of data, it has its drawbacks. When the dataset size approaches or exceeds the available physical memory, performance degrades rapidly due to excessive swapping, leading to increased latency and reduced throughput. Memory-mapped files are an alternative strategy to access and manipulate large datasets without the need to load them fully into memory.

A background on memory-mapped Files

Memory mapping is the process of mapping a file or a portion of a file directly into virtual memory. This mapping establishes a one-to-one correspondence between the file’s contents on disk and specific addresses in the process’s memory space. Instead of relying on traditional I/O operations, such as read() an write(), which involve copying data between kernel space and user space, the process can access the file’s contents directly through memory addresses. Then, page faults are used to determine which chunks to load into physical memory. However, this chunks are significantly smaller than the whole file contents. This direct access reduces overhead and can significantly speed up data processing, especially for large files or applications that require high-throughput I/O operations.

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Sort and Slice Tutorial – An alternative to extended connectivity fingerprints

Easy Python job queues with RQ

Job queueing is an important consideration for a web application, especially one that needs to play nice and share resources with other web applications. There are lots of options out there with varying levels of complexity and power, but for a simple pure Python job queue that just works, RQ is quick and easy to get up and running.

RQ is a Python job queueing package designed to work out of the box, using a Redis database as a message broker (the bit that allows the app and workers to exchange information about jobs). To use it, you just need a redis-server installation and the rq module in your python environment.

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