Tag Archives: gunicorn

Deploying a Flask app part II: using an Apache reverse proxy

I recently wrote about serving a Flask web application on localhost using gunicorn. This is sufficient to get an app up and running locally using a production-ready WSGI server, but we still need to add a HTTP proxy server in front to securely handle HTTP requests coming from external clients. Here we’ll cover configuring a simple reverse proxy using the Apache web server, though of course you could do the same with another HTTP server such as nginx.

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Deploying a Flask app part I: the gunicorn WSGI server

Last year I wrote a post about deploying Flask apps with Apache/mod_wsgi when your app’s dependencies are installed in a conda environment. The year before, in the dark times, I wrote a post about the black magic invocations required to get multiple apps running stably using mod_wsgi. I’ve since moved away from mod_wsgi entirely and switched to running Flask apps from containers using the gunicorn WSGI server behind an Apache reverse proxy, which has made life immeasurably easier. In this post we’ll cover running a Flask app on localhost using gunicorn; in Part II we’ll run our app as a service using Singularity and deploy it to production using Apache as a HTTP proxy server.

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