An excellent previous blog post from Sarah [1] describes the gender data gap and touches on the fact that women experience poorer healthcare outcomes. This arises from, amongst other things, the historical exclusion of women from clinical trials and this idea of the ‘male default’, where, for example, drug dosages and diagnostic thresholds are benchmarked against men, or even surgical instruments are designed to fit male hands [2]. I thought I would follow up on Sarah’s blog post and discuss how FemTech can help to close this gender health gap.
Continue readingInverse Vaccines
One of the nice things about OPIG, is that you can talk about something which is outside of your wheelhouse without feeling that the specialists in the group are going to eat your lunch. Last week, I gave an overview of the Hubbell group‘s Nature paper Synthetically glycosylated antigens for the antigen-specific suppression of established immune responses. I am not an immunologist by any stretch of the imagination, but sometimes you come across a piece of really interesting science and just want to say to people: Have you seen this, look at this, it’s really clever!
Continue readingUsing JAX and Haiku to build a Graph Neural Network
Last year, I had an opportunity to delve into the world of JAX whilst working at InstaDeep. My first blopig post seems like an ideal time to share some of that knowledge. JAX is an experimental Python library created by Google’s DeepMind for applying accelerated differentiation. JAX can be used to differentiate functions written in NumPy or native Python, just-in-time compile and execute functions on GPUs and TPUs with XLA, and mini-batch repetitious functions with vectorization. Collectively, these qualities place JAX as an ideal candidate for accelerated deep learning research [1].
JAX is inspired by the NumPy API, making usage very familiar for any Python user who has already worked with NumPy [2]. However, unlike NumPy, JAX arrays are immutable; once they are assigned in memory they cannot be changed. As such, JAX includes specific syntax for index manipulation. In the code below, we create a JAX array and change the element to a :
Useful metrics and their meanings
Short and selfish blog here. Probably been done before, but I shall carry on regardless. I am going to review some metrics relevant to our area of Immunoinformatics. In other words, I will try dissect things such as perplexity, logits, pTM, pLDDT and the ABodyBuilder2 confidence score. These numbers can help inform us on the likelihood of predictions, and whether we should have confidence in them.
Continue readingDockerized Colabfold for large-scale batch predictions
Alphafold is great, however it’s not suited for large batch predictions for 2 main reasons. Firstly, there is no native functionality for predicting structures off multiple fasta sequences (although a custom batch prediction script can be written pretty easily). Secondly, the multiple sequence alignment (MSA) step is heavy and running MSAs for, say, 10,000 sequences at a tractable speed requires some serious hardware.
Fortunately, an alternative to Alphafold has been released and is now widely used; Colabfold. For many, Colabfold’s primary strength is being cloud-based and that prediction requests can be submitted on Google Colab, thereby being extremely user-friendly by avoiding local installations. However, I would argue the greatest value Colabfold brings is a massive MSA speed up (40-60 fold) by replacing HHBlits and BLAST with MMseq2. This, and the fact batches of sequences can be natively processed facilitates a realistic option for predicting thousands of structures (this could still take days on a pair of v100s depending on sequence length etc, but its workable).
In my opinion the cleanest local installation and simplest usage of Colabfold is via Docker containers, for which both a Dockerfile and pre-built docker image have been released. Unfortunately, the Docker image does not come packaged with the necessary script, which is required to build a local sequence database. By default the MSAs are run on the Colabfold public server, which is a shared resource and can only process a total of a few thousand MSAs per day.
The following accordingly outlines preparatory steps for 100% local, batch predictions (setting up the database can in theory be done in 1 line via a mount, but I was getting a weird wget permissions error so have broken it up to first fetch the file on the local):
Pull the relevant colabfold docker image (container registry):
docker pull
Create a cache to store weights:
mkdir cache
Download the model weights:
docker run -ti --rm -v path/to/cache:/cache python -m
Fetch the script
Spin up a container. The container will exit as soon as the first command is run, so we need to be a bit hacky by running an infinite command in the background:
CONTAINER_ID=$(docker run -d cuda12.2.2 /bin/bash -c "tail -f /dev/null")
Copy the script to the relevant path in the container and create a databases directory:
docker cp ./ $CONTAINER_ID:/usr/local/envs/colabfold/bin/
docker exec $CONTAINER_ID mkdir /databases
Run the setup script. This will download and prepare the databases (~2TB once extracted):
docker exec $CONTAINER_ID /usr/local/envs/colabfold/bin/ /databases/
Copy the databases back to the host and clean up:
docker cp $CONTAINER_ID:/databases ./
docker stop $CONTAINER_ID
docker rm $CONTAINER_ID
You should now be at a stage where batch predictions can be run, for which I have provided a template script (uses a fasta file with multiple sequences) below. It’s worth noting that maximum search speeds can be achieved by loading the database into memory and pre-indexing, but this requires about 1TB of RAM, which I don’t have.
There are 2 key processes that I prefer to log separately, colabfold_search and colabfold_batch:
# Define the paths for database, input FASTA, and outputs
# Run Docker container to execute colabfold_search and colabfold_batch
time docker run --gpus all -v "${db_path}:/database" -v "${input_fasta}:/input.fasta" -v "${output_path}:/predictions" -v "${log_path}:/logs" -v "${cache_path}:/cache" /bin/bash -c "colabfold_search --mmseqs /usr/local/envs/colabfold/bin/mmseqs /input.fasta /database msas > /logs/search.log 2>&1 && colabfold_batch msas /predictions > /logs/batch.log 2>&1"
Tracking the change in ML performance for popular small molecule benchmarks
The power of machine learning (ML) techniques has captivated the field of small molecule drug discovery. Increasingly, researchers and organisations have employed ML to create more accurate algorithms to improve the efficiency of the discovery process.
To be published, methods have to prove they have improved upon others. Often, methods are tested against the same benchmarks within a field, allowing us to track progress over time. To explore the rate of improvement, I curated the performance on three popular benchmarks. The first benchmark is CASF 2016, used to test the accuracy of methods that predict the binding affinity of experimental determined protein-ligand complexes. Accuracy was measured using the Pearson’s R value between predicted and experimental affinity values.
Continue readingRSC Fragments 2024
I attended RSC Fragments 2024 (Hinxton, 4–5 March 2024), a conference dedicated to fragment-based drug discovery. The various talks were really good, because they gave overviews of projects involving teams across long stretches of time. As a result there were no slides discussing wet lab protocol optimisations and not a single Western blot was seen. The focus was primarily either illustrating a discovery platform or recounting a declassified campaign. The latter were interesting, although I’d admit I wish there had been more talk of organic chemistry —there was not a single moan/gloat about a yield. This top-down focus was nice as topics kept overlapping, namely:
- Target choice,
- covalents,
- molecular glues,
- whether to escape Flatland,
- thermodynamics, and
- cryptic pockets
Under-rated or overlooked, these libraries might be helpful.
Discovering a library that massively simplifies the exact thing you just did right after you’ve finished doing the thing you needed to do has to be one of the top 14 worst things about writing code. You might think it’s a part of the life we’ve all chosen, but it doesn’t have to be. Beyond the popular libraries you already know lies a treasure trove of under appreciated packages waiting to be wielded. Being the saint I am, I’ve scoured the depths of to find some underrated and hopefully useful packages to make your life a little easier.
Continue readingPitfalls of using Pearson’s correlation for comparing model performance
Pearson’s R (correlation coefficient) is a measure of the linear correlation between two variables, giving a value between -1 and 1, where 1 is total positive linear correlation, 0 is no linear correlation, and -1 is total negative linear correlation. While it’s a useful statistic for understanding the relationship between two variables, it is often used to compare the performance of two or more models. For example, imagine we had experimental values that we are predicting and several models’ predictions. Obviously, we would prefer the model with the highest Pearson’s R … or perhaps not?
Continue readingOpen Source PyMOL installation on Windows
A year ago, I used Gheorghe Rotaru’s helpful blog post to install PyMOL. Unfortunately, after resetting my computer, I have just discovered that some of the links are broken. Here are the installation steps with new links provided by Christoph Gohlke, who generously offers pre-compiled Windows versions of the latest PyMOL software along with all its requirements.
Install the latest version of Python 3 for Windows:
Download the Windows Installer (x-bit) for Python 3 from their website, with x being your Windows architecture – 32 or 64.
Follow the instructions provided on how to install Python. You can confirm the installation by running ‘py’ in PowerShell.