Category Archives: Software & Services

Prerecording Conference Talks and Posters using OBS Studio

Seemingly every conference due to take place this year has either been cancelled or will be run virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Many organisers have decided that running entirely live virtual programmes causes more trouble than it’s worth (e.g. due to unforseeable IT and internet issues disrupting the schedule), and so are asking their presenters to prerecord their talks, which are then broadcast “live” on the day.

I recently “presented” two virtual prerecorded talks at the ISMB conference using Open Broadcast Software Studio (OBS Studio), a free open-source software package most commonly used by live-streamers on Twitch and Youtube. It is super simple to use and achieves a professional output, with video overlaying a presentation slide deck/poster PDF. This blog is a “how-to” on getting started with OBS for conference talks/poster presentations.

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The Coronavirus Antibody Database (CoV-AbDab)

We are happy to announce the release of CoV-AbDab, our database tracking all coronavirus binding antibodies and nanobodies with molecular-level metadata. The database can be searched and downloaded here:

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TCRBuilder: Multi-state T-cell receptor structure prediction

Hello friends of OPIG,

From my last blopig blog post [link:], I summarised our findings that TCR CDRs are more flexible than their antibody counterparts. Because of this observation, we believe that it is more appropriate to represent TCR binding sites using an ensemble of conformations.

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Lightning-fast Python code

Scientific code is never fast enough. We need the results of that simulation before that pressing deadline, or that meeting with our advisor. Computational resources are scarce, and competition for a spot in the computing nodes (cough, cough) can be tiresome. We need to squeeze every ounce of performance. And we need to do it with as little effort as possible.

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Considering Containers? – Go for Singularity

Docker is an excellent containerisation system ideally suited to production servers.  It allows you to do one small thing but do it well.  For example, breaking a large blog up into individually maintained containers for a web-server, a database and (say) a wordpress instance. However due to inherent security woes, Docker doesn’t play nicely with multi-tenanted machines, the kind which are the bread and butter for researchers and HPC users.  That’s where Singularity steps in.   

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SAbBox – the easy way to obtain our antibody tools

A significant part of the work we do here in OPIG revolves around antibodies, the proteins of the immune system that bind to and help remove any foreign entities that find their way into the body. Since antibodies can be developed that target basically anything, they have become extremely useful as therapeutics. In our research, we develop computational tools that can be incorporated into various points along the antibody discovery pipeline. These tools include our database of antibody structures, SAbDab, and a series of predictive tools (e.g. structural modelling algorithms like ABodyBuilder) which are known collectively as SAbPred.

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