Category Archives: Machine Learning

Cool ideas in Deep Learning and where to find more about them

I was planning on doing a blog post about some cool random deep learning paper that I have read in the last year or so. However, I keep finding that someone else has already written a way better blog post than what I could write. Instead I have decided to write a very brief summary of some hot ideas and then provide a link to some other page where someone describes it way better than me.

The Lottery Ticket Hypothesis

This idea has to do with pruning a model, which is when you remove a parts of your model to make it more computationally efficient while barely loosing accuracy. The lottery ticket hypothesis also has to do with how weight are initialized in neural networks and why larger models often achieve better performance.

Anyways, the hypothesis says the following: “Dense, randomly-initialized, feed-forward networks contain subnetworks (winning tickets) that—when trained in isolation—reach test accuracy comparable to the original network in a similar number of iterations.” In their analogy, the random initialization of a models weights is treated like a lottery, where some combination of a subset of these weight is already pretty close to the network you want to train (winning ticket). For a better description and a summary of advances in this field I would recommend this blog post.

SAM: Sharpness aware minimization

The key idea here has to do with finding the best optimizer to train a model capable of generalization. According to this paper, a model that has converged to a sharp minima will be less likely to generalize than one that has converged to a flatter minima. They show the following plot to provide an intuition of why this may be the case.

In the SAM paper (and ASAM for adaptive) the authors implement an optimizer that is more likely to converge to a flat minima. I found this blog post by the authors of ASAM gives a very good description of the field.

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Exploring topological fingerprints in RDKit

Finding a way to express the similarity of irregular and discrete molecular graphs to enable quantitative algorithmic reasoning in chemical space is a fundamental problem in data-driven small molecule drug discovery.

Virtually all algorithms that are widely and successfully used in this setting boil down to extracting and comparing (multi-)sets of subgraphs, differing only in the space of substructures they consider and the extent to which they are able to adapt to specific downstream applications.

A large body of recent work has explored approaches centred around graph neural networks (GNNs), which can often maximise both of these considerations. However, the subgraph-derived embeddings learned by these algorithms may not always perform well beyond the specific datasets they are trained on and for many generic or resource-constrained applications more traditional “non-parametric” topological fingerprints may still be a viable and often preferable choice .

This blog post gives an overview of the topological fingerprint algorithms implemented in RDKit. In general, they count the occurrences of a certain family of subgraphs in a given molecule and then represent this set/multiset as a bit/count vector, which can be compared to other fingerprints with the Jaccard/Dice similarity metric or further processed by other algorithms.

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Entering a Stable Relationship with your Neural Network

Over the past year, I have been working on building a graph-based paratope (antibody binding site) prediction tool – Paragraph. Fortunately, I have had moderate success with this and you can now check out the preprint of this work here.

However, for a long time, I struggled with a highly unstable network, where different random seeds yielded very different results. I believe this instability was largely due to the high class imbalance in my data – only ~10% of all residues in the Fv (variable region of the antibody) belong to the paratope.

I tried many different things in an attempt to stabilise my training, most of which failed. I will share all of these ideas with you though – successful or not – as what works for one person/network is never guaranteed to work for another. I hope that the below may provide some ideas to try out for others facing similar issues. Where possible, I also provide some example hyperparameter values that could act as sensible starting points.

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How to turn a SMILES string into a vector of molecular descriptors using RDKit

Molecular descriptors are quantities associated with small molecules that specify physical or chemical properties of interest. They can be used to numerically describe many different aspects of a molecule such as:

  • molecular graph structure,
  • lipophilicity (logP),
  • molecular refractivity,
  • electrotopological state,
  • druglikeness,
  • fragment profile,
  • molecular charge,
  • molecular surface,

Vectors whose components are molecular descriptors can be used (amongst other things) as high-level feature representations for molecular machine learning. In my experience, molecular descriptor vectors tend to fall slightly short of more low-level molecular representation methods such as extended-connectivity fingerprints or graph neural networks when it comes to predictive performance on large and medium-sized molecular property prediction data sets. However, one advantage of molecular descriptor vectors is their interpretability; there is a reasonable chance that the meaning of a physicochemical descriptor can be intuitively understood by a chemical expert.

A wide variety of useful molecular descriptors can be automatically and easily computed via RDKit purely on the basis of the SMILES string of a molecule. Here is a code snippet to illustrate how this works:

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CryoEM is now the dominant technique for solving antibody structures

Last year, the Structural Antibody Database (SAbDab) listed a record-breaking 894 new antibody structures, driven in no small part by the continued efforts of the researchers to understand SARS-CoV-2.

Fig. 1: The aggregate growth in antibody structure data (all methods) over time. Taken from on 25th May 2022.

In this blog post I wanted to highlight the major driving force behind this curve – the huge increase in cryo electron microscopy (cryoEM) data – and the implications of this for the field of structure-based antibody informatics.

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From code to molecules: The future of chemical synthesis

In June, after I finish my PhD, I will be joining Chemify, a new startup based in Glasgow that aims to make chemical synthesis universally accessible, reproducible and fully automated using AI and robotics. After previously talking about “Why you should care about startups as a researcher” and a quick guide on “Commercialising your research: Where to start?” on this blog, I have now joined a science-based startup fresh out of university myself.

Chemify is a spinout from the University of Glasgow originating from the group of Prof. Lee Cronin. The core of the technology is the chemical programming language χDL (pronounced “chi DL”) that, in combination with a natural language processing AI that reads and understands chemical synthesis procedures, can be used to plan and autonomously executed chemical reactions on robotic hardware. The Cronin group has also already build the modular robotic hardware needed to carry out almost any chemical reaction, the “Chemputer”. Due to the flexibility of both the Chemputer and the χDL language, Chemify has already shown that the applications go way beyond simple synthesis and can be applied to drug formulation, the discovery of new materials or the optimisation of reaction conditions.

Armed with this transformational software and hardware, Chemify is now fully operational and is hiring exceptional talent into their labs in Glasgow. I am excited to see how smart, AI-driven automation techniques like Chemify will change how small scale chemical synthesis and chemical discovery more broadly is done in the future. I’m super excited to be part of the journey.

Paper review: “EquiBind”

Molecular docking helps us understand how small-molecules interact with proteins. This is especially useful in early drug development stages such as target identification and compound screening. Quick and accurate docking software allows researchers to focus their attention on a smaller set of lead molecules for further testing. Traditionally, docking software has employed first principles from physics and chemistry. Recently, deep learning has become all the rage for molecular docking, maybe motivated by the successful application of deep learning to molecular folding.


EquiBind is a deep learning unconstrained docking method which models a fixed receptor and a ligand with selected rotatable bonds. It predicts the binding pocket and the ligand’s conformation within the pocket in one go. Under the hood, EquiBind employs two great ideas from a recent ICLR 2022 Paper: a SE3-invariant graph neural network based architecture and the idea to generate fixed sets of matching key points to define a rotation and translation between receptor and ligand. In addition, the authors innovate a fast method to project a deformed ligand onto the space spanned by the rotatable bonds of a pre-generated ligand conformation.

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Better Models Through Molecular Standardization

“Cheminformatics is hard.”

— Paul Finn

I would add: “Chemistry is nuanced”… Just as there are many different ways of drawing the same molecule, SMILES is flexible enough to allow us to write the same molecule in different ways. While canonical SMILES can resolve this problem, we sometimes have different problem. In some situations, e.g., in machine learning, we need to map all these variants back to the same molecule. We also need to make sure we clean up our input molecules and eliminate invalid or incomplete structures.

Different Versions of the Same Molecule: Salt, Neutral or Charged?

Sometimes, a chemical supplier or compound vendor provides a salt of the compound, e.g., sodium acetate, but all we care about is the organic anion, i.e., the acetate. Very often, our models are built on the assumption we have only one molecule as input—but a salt will appear as two molecules (the sodium ion and the acetate ion). We might also have been given just the negatively-charged acetate instead of the neutral acetic acid.


Another important chemical phenomenon exists where apparently different molecules with identical heavy atoms and a nearby hydrogen can be easily interconverted: tautomers. By moving just one hydrogen atom and exchanging adjacent bond orders, the molecule can convert from one form to another. Usually, one tautomeric form is most stable. Warfarin, a blood-thinning drug, can exist in solution in 40 distinct tautomeric forms. A famous example is keto-enol tautomerism: for example, ethenol (not ethanol) can interconvert with the ketone form. When one form is more stable than the other form(s), we need to make sure we convert the less stable form(s) into the most stable form. Ethenol, a.k.a. vinyl alcohol, (SMILES: ‘C=CO[H]’), will be more stable when it is in the ketone form (SMILES: ‘CC(=O)([H])’):

from IPython.display import SVG # to use Scalar Vector Graphics (SVG) not bitmaps, for cleaner lines

import rdkit
from rdkit import Chem
from rdkit.Chem import AllChem
from rdkit.Chem import Draw # to draw molecules
from rdkit.Chem.Draw import IPythonConsole # to draw inline in iPython
from rdkit.Chem import rdDepictor  # to generate 2D depictions of molecules
from rdkit.Chem.Draw import rdMolDraw2D # to draw 2D molecules using vectors

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Einops: Powerful library for tensor operations in deep learning

Tobias and I recently gave a talk at the OPIG retreat on tips for using PyTorch. For this we created a tutorial on Google Colab notebook (link can be found here). I remember rambling about the advantages of implementing your own models against using other peoples code. Well If I convinced you, einops is for you!!

Basically, einops lets you perform operations on tensors using the Einstein Notation. This package comes with a number of advantages a few of which I will try and summarise here:

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3 Key Questions to Think About When Designing Proteins Computationally

We have reached the era of design, not just ‘hunting’. Particularly exciting to me is the de novo design of proteins, which have a wide and ever increasing range of applications from therapeutics to consumer products, biomanufacturing to biomaterials. Protein design has been a) enabled by decades of research that contributed to our understanding of protein sequence, structure & function and b) accelerated by computational advances – capturing the information we have learned from proteins and representing it for computers and machine learning algorithms.

In this blog post, I will discuss three key methodological considerations for computational protein design:

  1. Sequence- vs structure-based design
  2. ML- vs physics-based design
  3. Target-agnostic vs target-aware design
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