Category Archives: Machine Learning

Check My Blob

A brief overview and discussion of: Automatic recognition of ligands in electron density by machine learning .This paper aims to reduce the bias of crystallographers fitting ligands into electron density for protein ligand complexes. The authors train a supervised machine learning model using known ligand sites across the whole protein databank, to produce a classifier that can identify which common ligands could fit to that electron density.

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So, you are interested in compound selectivity and machine learning papers?

At the last OPIG meeting, I gave a talk about compound selectivity and machine learning approaching to predict whether a compound might be selective. As promised, I hereby provide a list publications I would hand to a beginner in the field of compound selectivity and machine learning.  Continue reading

Mol2vec: Finding Chemical Meaning in 300 Dimensions

Embeddings of Amino Acids

2D projections (t-SNE) of Mol2vec vectors of amino acids (bold arrows). These vectors were obtained by summing the vectors of the Morgan substructures (small arrows) present in the respective molecules (amino acids in the present example). The directions of the vectors provide a visual representation of similarities. Magnitudes reflect importance, i.e. more meaningful words. [Figure from Ref. 1]

Natural Language Processing (NLP) algorithms are usually used for analyzing human communication, often in the form of textual information such as scientific papers and Tweets. One aspect, coming up with a representation that clusters words with similar meanings, has been achieved very successfully with the word2vec approach. This involves training a shallow, two-layer artificial neural network on a very large body of words and sentences — the so-called corpus — to generate “embeddings” of the constituent words into a high-dimensional space. By computing the vector from “woman” to “queen”, and adding it to the position of “man” in this high-dimensional space, the answer, “king”, can be found.

A recent publication of one of my former InhibOx-colleagues, Simone Fulle, and her co-workers, Sabrina Jaeger and Samo Turk, shows how we can embed molecular substructures and chemical compounds into a similarly high-dimensional, continuous vectorial representation, which they dubbed “mol2vec“.1 They also released a Python implementation, available on Samo Turk’s GitHub repository.


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Cinder: Crystallographic Tinder

Protein structure determination is still dominated by xray diffraction. For diffraction studies structural biologists need to grow and optimise protein crystals until they diffract to an usable and optimal resolution. A purified protein sample is exposed to a number of crystallisation screens, each comprising a selection of chemical conditions that are designed to explore a reasonably wide area of potential crystallisation conditions.

Many crystallography labs routinely image these in large plate storage systems, which reduces the human interaction to viewing a set of usually 100-1000 images at various time points. This is a slow and laborious process, and highly applicable to machine learning approaches tailored to looking at images. TexRank, a texton analysis ranking software was developed by Jia Tsing in OPIG and is used at the Structural Genomics Consortium (SGC). This ranking reduces the number of images that a human needs to search through, providing a quicker review process.  Continue reading

ISMB 2018: Collaborative Structural Biology using Machine Learning and Jupyter Notebook

This post is a summary of the talk, Collaborative Structural Biology using Machine Learning and Jupyter Notebook, given by Fergus Imrie and Fergus Boyles at ISMB 2018. Materials for the experiments can be found here and here.

Myself and four other members of the Oxford Protein Informatics Group (a.k.a. OPIGlets) recently had the pleasure of attending the Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB) conference in Chicago. Organised by the International Society of Computational Biology (ISCB), ISMB is the largest computational biology conference in the world, with several thousand attendees.

Spread over four action-packed days in July (not including workshops/tutorial sessions), it was an eye-opening experience, showcasing the depth and breadth of computational biology research; particularly striking was the range of problems tackled, techniques applied, and data sources used.

I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to present alongside my colleague, Fergus Boyles, as part of the 3DSIG Community of Special Interest (COSI). We led the first hands-on practical demonstration at 3DSIG, entitled “Collaborative Structural Biology using Machine Learning and Jupyter Notebook”. While a new format at the conference, with our presentation somewhat of an experiment, I understand the organising committee is keen to repeat the format next year.

In what follows, I’ll briefly outline the key themes and outcomes from our presentation. Full materials to reproduce all results presented in full can be found here and here.

Reproducibility crisis?

In a survey of 1,500 scientists by Nature in 2016 (link), more than 70% of participants had tried and failed to reproduce another scientist’s experiments, while 90% said there was a reproducibility crisis to some extent. Most striking, perhaps, was the revelation that “more than half have failed to reproduce their own experiments”!

Nature, 2016, M. Baker, 1,500 scientists lift the lid on reproducibility

While the focus of the survey was, admittedly, on traditional, lab-based, experimental research, this is certainly also an issue in computational approaches, with the machine learning community under the heaviest scrutiny.

This is clearly unsustainable and many efforts are being taken to address this across the scientific world. As one example, Nature has introduced a code and submission checklist that requires authors to submit custom algorithms or software that are central to the paper for peer review and editorial assessment. While only directly affecting a small portion of research, this is a big step in the right direction and I think we’re only going to see more of this in the future.

Software to the rescue?

With the rise of cloud computing, the open-source community, and much more, there is a plethora of software available that can be used to improve the accessibility of methods and improve the reproducibility of computational experiments. Below, I touch on a couple of general areas that are increasing used in computational pipelines and setups.

  • Cloud computing (such as Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure) provides widely accessible, standardised compute environments, and allows the use of anything from a single core to near-HPC-level resources for a short period of time at relative inexpensive.
  • Container solutions (such as Docker and Kubernets) allow developers to package an application, with all required libraries and dependencies, into a single executable for the end user, with no further dependencies.

Our approach

We didn’t use any of the above tools for purposes of our talk, but instead constructed our pipeline based on three other widely-used solutions: Conda, Project Jupyter, and Git/GitHub. For those unfamiliar, here is a brief overview of each.

  • Conda is an open-source package and environment management system. It works by creating distinct virtual environments and installing standalone interpreters or compilers within that virtual environment. You can then install additional packages within that virtual environment, that are completely isolated and separate from your system default packages, and other virtual environments.

  • For those of you who are familiar with the iPython notebook, Jupyter is an extension of this format to multiple languages. Jupyter provides an interactive browser-based coding environment in the form of a notebook, that can be thought of as similar to a lightweight IDE. The power of Jupyter notebooks comes from a combination of (1) the ability to intersperse code with markdown, which is much more human readable and friendly on the eye compared to traditional comments; (2) the cell-based format, where small pieces of code are contained in cells that can be run, and re-run, individually and without re-running the remainder of your code; (3) the ability to display inline figures, tables (among other things), rendering in HTML.

  • Git is an open-source version control system. Version control is an essential bedrock of good programming that we don’t have time to go into in more detail, but long-story short, Git takes any headache out of version control.

  • GitHub is a code hosting platform built for collaboration with Git at its core. Beyond a simple code repository, GitHub allows collaboration and development through two key features. “Forking” allows you to clone other projects, and either develop them yourself, or keep a record of a fixed version for integration within another project. “Pull requests” make large scale community collaboration projects possible, with users providing code for specific modifications for the original projects, which the owners/admin of the original project can choose to merge or reject.


As a toy problem to showcase this approach to building a reproducible pipeline, we address the problem of protein classification according to the SCOP classification scheme. While the dataset we have shared contains examples of protein pairs that are in the same fold, superfamily, and family (as well as none of these), we focussed on the most straightforward task of determining whether a pair of proteins belong to the same family or not.

Our dataset is based on the Astral data set (06.02.2016 build), and consists of 8 pairwise features computed from the sequences of the two proteins. We won’t go into the details of the exact features here.

Using a simple random forest on these 8 pairwise features between the target and template protein, we achieved an accuracy of 88.0%, and an area under the receiver operative curve of 0.95. A confusion matrix and ROC curve summarising our results can be found below.

Instructions to reproduce these results, together with all materials needed, can be found here and here.


Reproducibility in science is facing a challenging time. All stakeholders, from researchers to funders and publishers, are placing more emphasis on work being reproducible, and are taking measures to ensure this. In computational research, in particular stochastic algorithms such as those prevalent throughout machine learning, the problem is no less serious, and on the face of it should be readily solvable.

In our demonstration, we have illustrated one approach to tackling this in a simple, efficient way. In addition, we only looked to tackle one possible problem or question, and only used a subset of the overall dataset. Please feel free to explore the dataset and pose your own questions. We’d love to hear from you if you do!


I’d like to thank all of OPIG for providing feedback on an early version of the talk. Crucially, I’d like to thank Dr Saulo de Oliveira who provided us with the dataset used in our exploratory analysis. Finally, I’d like to thank my co-presenter Fergus Bolyes, without whom I couldn’t have done this.

Covariate Shift in Virtual Screening

In supervised learning, we assume that the training data and testing are drawn from the same distribution, i.e P_{train}(x,y) = P_{test}(x,y). However this assumption is often violated in virtual screening. For example, a chemist initially focuses on a series of compounds and the information from this series is used to train a model. For some reasons,  the chemist changes their focus on a new, structurally distinct series later on and we would not expect the model to accurately predict the labels in the testing sets.  Here, we introduce some methods to address this problem.

Methods such as Kernel Mean Matching (KMM) or Kullback-Leibler Importance Estimation Procedure (KLIEP) have been proposed.  These methods typically assume the concept remain unchanged and only the distribution changes, i.e. P_{train}(y|x) =P_{test}(y|x) and P_{train}(x) \neq P_{test}(x).  In general, these methods  reweight instances in the training data so that the distribution of training instances is more closely aligned with the distribution of instances in the testing set. The appropriate importance weighting factor w(x) for each instance x in the training set is:

w(x) = \frac{p_{test}(x)}{p_{train}(x)}

where p_{train}(x) is the training set density and p_{test} (x) is the testing set density. Note that only the feature vector values (not their labels) are used in reweighting. The major difference between KMM and KLIEP is the objective function: KLIEP is based on the minimisation of the Kullback-Leibler divergence while KMM is based on the minimisation of Maximum Mean Discrepancy (MMD).  For more detail, please see reference.


  1. Masashi Sugiyama ,Taiji Suzuki, Shinichi Nakajima, Hisashi Kashima, Paul von Bünau, Motoaki Kawanabe.: Direct importance estimation for Covariate Shift Adaptation. Ann Inst Stat Math. 2008
  2. Jiayuan Huang,  Alex Smola, Arthur Gretton, Karsten Borgwardt, Bernhard Scholkopf.:Correcting Sample Selection Bias by Unlabeled Data. NIPS 06.
  3. Mcgaughey, Georgia ; Walters, W Patrick ; Goldman, Brian.: Understanding covariate shift in model performance. F1000Research, 2016,


Neuronal Complexity: A Little Goes a Long Way…To Clean My Apartment

The classical model of signal integration in both biological and Artificial Neural Networks looks something like this,


where g is some linear or non-linear output function whose parameters \alpha_i adapt to feedback from the outside world through changes to protein dense structures near to the point of signal input, namely the Post Synaptic Density (PSD). In this simple model integration is implied to occur at the soma (cell body) where the input signals s_i are combined and broadcast to other neurons through downstream synapses via the axon. Generally speaking neurons (both artificial and otherwise) exist in multilayer networks composing the inputs of one neuron with the outputs of the others creating cross-linked chains of computation that have been shown to be universal in their ability to approximate any desired input-output behaviour.

See more at Khan Academy

Models of learning and memory have relied heavily on modifications to the PSD to explain modifications in behaviour. Physically these changes result from alterations in the concentration and density of the neurotransmitter receptors and ion channels that occur in abundance at the PSD, but, in actuality these channels occur all along the cell wall of the dendrite on which the PSD is located. Dendrites are something like a multi-branched mass of input connections belonging to each neuron. This begs the question as to whether learning might in fact occur all along the length of each densely branched dendritic tree.

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