Category Archives: How To

How to do things. doh.

A Colourblind Guide to Colourful Presentations…

Like many people, I am colourblind.

Fortunately I am only ‘mildly’ red-green colourblind and it doesn’t have a huge detrimental effect on my life.

Firstly, to dispel a couple of misconceptions:

  1. I can still see colour. ‘blindness’ here would be better called ‘deficiency’ or ‘desensitivity’. I am simply less sensitive to reds/greens than the ‘normal’ eye. Whilst I can discriminate between blues/yellows, it is harder to distinguish some reds from some greens.
  2. Colour blindness is not the swapping of colours. I don’t accidentally call red and green the wrong things – I just can’t tell what a colour is in some cases.
  3. I have no problem with traffic lights.
  4. Colour blindness does not mean poor eyesight. My cornea, lens, etc work fine, thank-you-very-much.

Approximately 8% of men and 0.5% of women are colourblind to various extents. There is a wide range of types, and severities, of colourblindness. For more information, there are a number of websites with helpful descriptions – This, for example…

There’s even a nature paper about colour blindness awareness…

The standard tests for colour-blindness are the well-recognised Ishihara colour tests. Lets do a few (just for fun)…


An example Ishihara Colour Test. Most people can see the ’12’ in the image. Image: Wikipedia


Another Colour Test. You might be able to see a ‘6’ in the image (I can’t…). Image: Wikipedia


Another Colour Test. You should see nothing in this image. I see a ‘2’. Image: Wikipedia


The last one. You should see a ’42’. I can just about see a nondescript blur that might be a ‘4’ on the left hand side. Image: Wikipedia

To give an idea of what it’s like, this page gives a very good example. For a theatre booking system, they indicate the seats that offer a restricted view of the stage –

Restricted view seats are marked in orange - or are they?

Restricted view seats are clearly indicated – or are they? Image:

Whilst most people will be able to tell where the best seats are, for those with colour blindness it might not be so easy. The image below shows the same image from the point of view of someone with colour blindness – can you still be sure of which seat is which?

Still clear?

Still clear? Image:

Mostly, being colourblind doesn’t affect my life (when I’m not at the theatre). However, there is one area of my life where being colourblind is *really* annoying: presentations (and picking ties to match shirts, but I’ve got that figured out now).

So here’s the Nick-approved guide to making colour-blind friendly presentations.

  1. Choose a colour scheme that is colour-blind friendly – these are readily available online. This is mainly for graphs. Just generally avoid pale green-pale red mixtures. Purples and pinks can also be pretty confusing.
  2. Along with the above, high contrast colour schemes can be very hard to see. For instance, a presentation with a white background can make it difficult to see coloured things on the slide, as everything is drowned out by the white background – especially yellow/green text. It is also very tiring to the eye. Try dark-coloured fonts on a light-coloured background.
  3. In graphs, don’t just use colours to match lines to the legend – matching colours from lines to the colours on the legend is hard – use shapes as well, or label the lines. An example.
  4. If 3. is impossible, make the lines on graphs a decent thickness – small areas of colour are harder to determine.
  5. When referring to slide, try not to refer to ‘the red box’. Refer instead to ‘the rounded red box in the top-right of the screen’.
  6. Please don’t use red laser pointers – these are evil [citation needed]. The red light is not easily distinguishable on bright screens (or if it’s zipping around the screen). Use a green laser pointer instead. Not only are green laser pointers generally more powerful, and therefore brighter, but they are also easier to see. Why?

For a fairly comprehensive guide of how to make colour-friendly presentations, look at this page. And for checking how things might look, there are many colour-blind simulators for both images and webpages.

I hope this helps to create colour-friendly presentations.

Get PDB intermolecular protein contacts and interface residues

Very often in Struc Bio it is necessary to determine the contacts between two molecules. Most of us in the group have written a snippet of code to compute precisely that or they have adapted the Biopython functionality or one of the tools in pdbtools. The piece of code written in Python presented here is a Biopython variety that gives you the intermolecular contacts and it annotates the interface neighborhood. An example of the program output is given in the Figure below:

The complex between an antibody and an antigen is shown on the left without the annotation. On the right it is shown with intermolecular contacts annotated in red (4.5A distance) and the interface neighborhood shown in green (10A away from any contact residue).

The complex between an antibody and an antigen is shown on the left without the annotation. On the right it is shown with intermolecular contacts annotated in red (4.5A distance) and the interface neighborhood shown in green (10A away from any contact residue).


You can download it from here. There are three files inside:

  1. – the main source/runnable file
  2. README.txt – instructions, very similar to this post (quite a lot copy/pasted)
  3. 1A2Y.pdb – the PDB file used in the example to practice on.


You need Biopython. (if you are from OPIG or any other Bioinformatics group, most likely it is already installed on your machine). You can download it from here.

How to use it?

As the bare minimum, you need to provide the structure of the pdb(s) and the chains that you want to examine contacts in.

Input options:

  • –f1 : first pdb file [Required]
  • –f2 : second pdb file (if the contacts are to be calculated in the same molecule, just submit the same pdb in both cases) [Required]
  • –c1 : Chains to be used for the first molecule [Required]
  • –c2 : Chains to be used for the second molecule [Required]
  • –c : contact cutoff for intermolecular contacts (Optional, set to 4.5A if not supplied on input) 
  • –i : interface neighbor cutoff for intramolecular neighborhood of the contacting interface (Optional, set to 10.0A if not supplied on input). Set this option to zero (0.0) if you only want to get the intermolecular contacts in the interface, without the interface neighborhood.
  • –jobid : name for the output folder (Set to out_<random number> if not supplied on input)

An example which you can just copy paste and run when in the same directory as the python script:

python --f1 1A2Y.pdb --f2 1A2Y.pdb --c1 AB --c2 C --c 4.5 --i 10.0 --jobid example_output

Above command will calculate the contacts between antibody in 1a2y (chains A and B) and the antigen (chain C). The contact distance was defined as 4.5A and the interface distance was defined as 10A. All the output files are saved in the folder out_example_output.


Output folder is placed in the current directory. If you specify the output folder name (–jobid) it will be saved under the name ‘out_[whateveryoutyped]’, otherwise it will be ‘out_[randomgeneratednumber]’. The program tells you at the end where it saved all the files.

Input options:

  • molecule_1.pdb – the first supplied molecule with b-factor fields of contacts set to 100 and interface neighborhood set to 50
  • molecule_2.pdb – the second supplied molecule with b-factor fields of contacts set to 100 and interface neighborhood set to 50
  • molecule_1.txt – whitespace delimited file specifying the contacts and interface neighborhood in the second molecule in the format: [chain] [residue id] [contact ‘C’ or interface residues ‘I’]
  • molecule_2.txt – whitespace delimited file specifying the contacts and interface neighborhood in the second molecule in the format: [chain] [residue id] [contact ‘C’ or interface residues ‘I’]
  • molecule_1_constrained.pdb – the first molecule, which is constrained only to the residues in the interface.
  • molecule_2_constrained.pdb – the second molecule, which is constrained only to the residues in the interface.
  • parameters.txt – the contact distance and neighborhood distance used for the particular run.

Django for scientific applications

In my current work I am developing a cheminformatics tool using structural and activity data to investigate protein-ligand binding. I have only ever properly used love python and I listen to Saulo, so I decided to used Django to develop my application. I didn’t understand what it was and why it might be useful before I started using it but below I thought I’d discuss a few of the features that I think have been useful and might encourage others to use it.

Firstly I will outline how Django works. I wanted to download all the PDB structures for CDK2 and store the information in a data structure that is robust and easily used. We have a Target and a Protein. A Target is associated to a particular UniProt accession. Cyclin-dependent kinase 2 (CDK2) is a Target. A Protein is a set of 3D coordinates, so 1AQ1 is a Protein.

class Target(models.Model):
"""A Django model to define a given protein target"""
    UniProt = models.CharField(max_length=20,unique=True)
    InitDate = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
    Title = models.CharField(max_length=10)

In the above Target model I have three different fields. The first field denotes the UniProt accession for the Target and is “unique”. This means that only one Target can have any given UniProt accession in my data structure. If I try to add another with the same value in the UniProt field it will throw an exception. The second field denotes the time and date that the model was created. This means I can check back to when the target was created. The third is the Title I would like to use for this, for example CDK2.

I can then make a new Target objects by:

new_target = Target()
new_target.Title = "CDK2"
new_target.UniProt = "P24941"

and save it to the database by: # Django takes care of the required SQL

The next model is for the Protein molecules:

class Protein(models.Model):
    """A Django model to define a given protein"""
    Code = models.CharField(max_length=6,unique=True)
    InitDate = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
    TargetID = models.ForeignKey(Target)
    Apo = models.BoolenField()
    PDBInfo = models.FileField(upload_to='pdb')

The model contains the PDB Code, e.g. 1AQ1, and the date it was added to the database. It also consists of a foreign key, relating it to its Target and a boolean indicating if the structure is apo or holo. Finally there is a file field relating this entry to the appropriate file path where the PDB information is stored.

Once the data has been added to the database, Django then deals with all SQL queries from the database:

my_prot = Protein.objects.get(Code="1aq1") # Gives me the Protein object "1aq1"
CDK2_prots = Protein.objects.filter(TargetID__Title="CDK2") # All PDB entries associated to CDK2, as a query set, behaving similarily to a list
CDK2_list = [x for x in CDK2_prots] # Now exactly like a list

The “__” in the above query allows one to span the foreign key relationship, so it is searching for the Title of the Target not the Title of the Protein. Finally I can then access the PDB files for each of these proteins.

my_prot = Protein.objects.get(Code="1aq1") # Gives me the Protein object "1aq1"
print my_prot.Code # prints "1aq1"
# my_prot.PDBInfo has the behaviour of a file handle
pdb_lines = my_prot.PDBInfo.readlines()# Reads the lines of the file

There, you’ve made a queryable database, where Django deals with all the hard stuff and everything is native to python. Obviously in this example it might not be so difficult to imagine alternative ways of creating the same thing using directory structures, but as the structure of your data becomes more complex, Django can be easily manipulated and as it grow it utilises the speed advantages of modern databases.

Making Protein-Protein Interfaces Look (decently) Good

This is a little PyMOL script that I’ve used to draw antibody-antigen interfaces. If you’d like a commented version on what each and every line does, contact me! This is a slight modification of what has been done in PyMOL Wiki.

set_name FILENAME, complex	

set bg_rgb, [1,1,1]  	

color white 	     		

hide lines
show cartoon

select antibody, chain a
select antigen, chain b

select paratopeAtoms, antibody within 4.5 of antigen 
select epitopeAtoms, antigen within 4.5 of antibody

select paratopeRes, byres paratopeAtoms
select epitopeRes, byres epitopeAtoms

distance interactions, paratopeAtoms, epitopeAtoms, 4.5, 0

color red, interactions
hide labels, interactions

show sticks, paratopeRes
show sticks, epitopeRes

set cartoon_side_chain_helper, on

set sphere_quality, 2
set sphere_scale, 0.3
show spheres, paratopeAtoms
show spheres, epitopeAtoms
color tv_blue, paratopeAtoms
color tv_yellow, epitopeAtoms

set ray_trace_mode, 3
unset depth_cue
set specular, 0.5

Once you orient it to where you’d like it and ray it, you should get something like this.

Constrain a PDB to particular chains

In many applications you need to constrain PDB files to certain chains. You can do it using this program.

A. What does it do?

Given a pdb file, write out the ATOM and HETATM entries for the supplied chain(s).

PDB_constrain needs three arguments:

  1. PDB file to constrain.
  2. Chains from the pdb file to constrain.
  3. Output file.

B. Requirements:

Biopython – should be installed on your machines but in case you want to use it locally, download the latest version into the’s directory (don’t need to build).

C. Example use:

C.1 Constrain 1A2Y.pdb to chains A and B – write results in constr.pdb

python -f 1A2Y.pdb -c AB -o const.pdb


C.2 Constrain 1ACY to chain L, write results in const.pdb – this example shows that the constrainer works well with ‘insertion’ residue numbering as in antibodies where you have 27A, 27B etc.

python -f 1ACY.pdb -c L -o const.pdb


Making small molecules look good in PyMOL

Another largely plagiarized post for my “personal notes” (thanks Justin Lorieau!) and following on from the post about pretty-fication of macromolecules.  For my slowly-progressing confirmation report I needed some beautiful small molecule representation.  Here is some PyMOL code:

show sticks
set ray_opaque_background, off
set stick_radius, 0.1
show spheres
set sphere_scale, 0.15, all
set sphere_scale, 0.12, elem H
color gray40, elem C
set sphere_quality, 30
set stick_quality, 30
set sphere_transparency, 0.0
set stick_transparency, 0.0
set ray_shadow, off
set orthoscopic, 1
set antialias, 2
ray 1024,768

And the result:


Beautiful, no?

Viewing ligands in twilight electron density

In this week’s journal club we discussed an excellent review paper by E. Pozharski, C. X. Weichenberger and B. Rupp investigating crystallographic approaches to protein-ligand complex elucidation. The paper assessed and highlighted the shortcomings of deposited PDB structures containing ligand-protein complexes. It then made suggestions for the community as a whole and for researchers making use of ligand-protein complexes in their work.

The paper discussed:

  • The difficulties in protein ligand complex elucidation
  • The tools to assess the quality of protein-ligand structures both qualitative and quantitative
  • The methods used describing their analysis of certain PDB structures
  • Some case studies visually demonstrating these issues
  • Some practical conclusions for the crystallographic community
  • Some practical conclusions for non-crystallographer users of protein-ligand complex structures from the PDB

The basic difficulties of ligand-protein complex elucidation

  • Ligands have less than 100% occupancy – sometimes significantly less and thus will inherently show up less clearly in the overall electron density.
  • Ligands make small contributions to the overall structure and thus global quality measures , such as r-factors, will be affected only minutely by the ligand portion of the structure being wrong
  • The original basis model needs to be used appropriately. The r-free data from the original APO model should be used to avoid model bias

The following are the tools available to inspect the quality of agreement between protein structures and their associated data.

  • Visual inspection of the Fo-Fc and 2Fo-Fc maps,using software such as COOT, is essential to assess qualitatively whether a structure is justified by the evidence.
  • Use of local measures of quality for example real space correlation coefficients (RSCC)
  • Their own tool, making use of the above as well as global quality measure resolution

Methods and results

In a separate publication they had analysed the entirety of the PDB containing both ligands and published structure factors. In this sample they demonstrate 7.6% had RSCC values of less than 0.6 the arbitrary cut off they use to determine whether the experimental evidence supports the model coordinates.

Figure to show an incorrectly oriented ligand (a) and its correction (b)

An incorrectly oriented ligand (a) and its correction (b). In all of these figures Blue is the 2mFoDFc map contoured at 1σ and Green and Red are positive and negative conturing of the mFoDFc map at 3σ

In this publication they visually inspected a subset of structures to assess in more detail how effective that arbitrary cutoff is and ascertain the reason for poor correlation. They showed the following:

(i) Ligands incorrectly identified as questionable,false positives(7.4%)
(ii) Incorrectly modelled ligands (5.2%)
(iii) Ligands with partially missing density (29.2%).
(iv) Glycosylation sites (31.3%)
(v) Ligands placed into electron density that is likely to
originate from mother-liquor components
(vi) Incorrect ligand (4.7%)
(vii) Ligands that are entirely unjustified by the electron
density (11.9%).

The first point on the above data is that the false-positive rate using RSCC of 0.6 is 7.4%. This demonstrates that this value is not sufficient to accurately determine incorrect ligand coordinates. Within the other categories all errors can be attributed to one of or a combination of the following two factors:

  • The inexperience of the crystallographer being unable to understand the data in front of them
  • The wilful denial of the data in front of the crystallographer in order that they present the data they wanted to see
Figure to show a ligand placed in density for a sulphate ion from the mother liquor (a) and it's correction (b)

A ligand incorrectly placed in density for a sulphate ion from the mother liquor (a) and it’s correction (b)

The paper observed that a disproportionate amount of poor answers was derived from glycosylation sites. In some instances these observations were used to inform the biochemistry of the protein in question. Interestingly this follows observations from almost a decade ago, however many of the examples in the Twilight paper were taken from 2008 or later. This indicates the community as a whole is not reacting to this problem and needs further prodding.

Figure to show an incomplete glycosylation site inaccurately modeled

Figure to show an incomplete glycosylation site inaccurately modeled

Conclusions and suggestions

For inexperienced users looking at ligand-protein complexes from the PDB:

  • Inspect the electron density map using COOT if is available to determine qualitatively is their evidence for the ligand being there
  • If using large numbers of ligand-protein complexes, use a script such as Twilight to find the RSCC value for the ligand to give some confidence a ligand is actually present as stated

For the crystallographic community:

  • Improved training of crystallographers to ensure errors due to genuine misinterpretation of the underlying data are minimised
  • More submission of electron-density maps, even if not publically available they should form part of initial structure validation
  • Software is easy to use but difficult to analyse the output

Good looking proteins for your publication(s)

Just came across a wonderful PyMOL gallery while creating some images for my (long overdue) confirmation report.  A fantastic resource to draw sexy proteins – especially useful for posters, talks and papers (unless you are paying extra for coloured figures!).

It would be great if we had our own OPIG “pymol gallery”.

An example of one of my proteins (1tgm) with aspirin bound to it:

Good looking protein


A javascript function to validate FASTA sequences

I was more than a bit annoyed of not finding this out there in the interwebs, being a strong encourager of googling (or in Jamie’s case duck-duck-going) and re-use.

So I proffer my very own fasta validation javascript function.

 * Validates (true/false) a single fasta sequence string
 * param   fasta    the string containing a putative single fasta sequence
 * returns boolean  true if string contains single fasta sequence, false 
 *                  otherwise 
function validateFasta(fasta) {

	if (!fasta) { // check there is something first of all
		return false;

	// immediately remove trailing spaces
	fasta = fasta.trim();

	// split on newlines... 
	var lines = fasta.split('\n');

	// check for header
	if (fasta[0] == '>') {
		// remove one line, starting at the first position
		lines.splice(0, 1);

	// join the array back into a single string without newlines and 
	// trailing or leading spaces
	fasta = lines.join('').trim();

	if (!fasta) { // is it empty whatever we collected ? re-check not efficient 
		return false;

	// note that the empty string is caught above
	// allow for Selenocysteine (U)
	return /^[ACDEFGHIKLMNPQRSTUVWY\s]+$/i.test(fasta);

Let me know, by comments below, if you spot a no-no.  Please link to this post if you find use for it.

p.s. I already noticed that this only validates one sequence.  This is because this function is taken out of one of our web servers, Memoir, which specifically only requires one sequence.  If there is interested for multi sequence validation I will add it.


aRrrrgh! or how to apply a fitted model to new data

Recently I’ve been battling furiously with R while analysing some loop modelling accuracy data. The idea was simple:

  1. Fit a general linear model to some data
  2. Get out a formula to predict a variable (let’s call it “accuracy”) based on some input parameters
  3. Apply this formula to new data and see how well the predictor does

It turns out, it’s not that simple to actually implement. Fitting a general linear model in R produces coefficients in a vector.

model <- glm(accuracy ~ param1 + param2 * param3, data=trainingset)
            (Intercept)                  param1                  param2 
            0.435395087            -0.093295388             0.148154339 
                 param3           param2:param3
            0.024399530             0.021100300

There seems to be no easy way to insert these coefficients into your formula and apply the resulting equation to new data. The only easy thing to do is to plot the fitted values against the variable we’re trying to predict, i.e. plot our predictions on the training set itself:

plot(model$fitted.values, trainingset$accuracy, xlab="score", ylab="accuracy", main="training set")

I’m sure there must be a better way of doing this, but many hours of Googling led me nowhere. So here is how I did it. I ended up writing my own parser function, which works only on very simple formulae using the + and * operators and without any R code inside the formula.

coefapply <- function(coefficients, row)
  result <- 0
  for (i in 1:length(coefficients))
    subresult <- as.numeric(coefficients[i])
    if (!
      name <- names(coefficients[i])
      if (name != "(Intercept)")
        subnames <- strsplit(name, ":", fixed=TRUE)[[1]]
        for (n in subnames)
          subresult <- subresult * as.numeric(row[n])
      result <- result + subresult

calculate_scores <- function(data, coefficients)
  scores <- vector(mode="numeric", length=nrow(data))
  for (i in 1:nrow(data))
    row <- data[i,]
    scores[i] <- coefapply(coefficients, row)

Now we can apply our formula to a new dataset and plot the accuracy achieved on the new data:

model_coef <- coef(model)

# Test if our scores are the same values as the model's fitted values
training_scores <- calculate_scores(model_coef, trainingset)
sum((training_scores - model$fitted.values) < 0.000000000001) / length(scores)

# Calculate scores for our test set and plot them
test_scores <- calculate_scores(model_coef, testset)
plot(test_scores, testset$accuracy, xlab="score", ylab="accuracy", main="test set")

It works for my purpose. Maybe one day someone will see this post, chuckle, and then enlighten me with their perfectly simple and elegant alternative.