Category Archives: How To

How to do things. doh.

Some useful tools

For my blog post this week, I thought I would share, as the title suggests, a small collection of tools and packages that I found to make my work a bit easier over the last few months (mainly python based). I might add to this list as I find new tools that I think deserve a shout-out.


Reading in .pdb files for processing and writing your own parser (while being a good exercise to familiarize yourself with the format) is a pain and clutters your code with boilerplate.

Luckily for us, Sebastian Raschka has written a neat package called biopandas [1] which enables quick I/O of .pdb files via the pandas DataFrame class.

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Graph-based Methods for Cheminformatics

In cheminformatics, there are many possible ways to encode chemical data represented by small molecules and proteins, such as SMILES, fingerprints, chemical descriptors etc. Recently, utilising graph-based methods for machine learning have become more prominent. In this post, we will explore why representing molecules as graphs is a natural and suitable encoding. Continue reading

Turning MD Trajectories into Movies using PyMOL

Putting movies into your presentations is the perfect way to cover up a terrible underlying presentation help the audience visualise the systems you are discussing. Static protein movies can enhance an introduction or help users understand important interactions between proteins and ligands. PyMOL plugins, such as, help you move beyond the ‘rock’ and ‘roll’ scenes in PyMOL’s movie tab. But there ends the scope for your static structures.

If you want to take your PyMOL movie making skills to the next level, you should start adding some dynamics data. This allows your audience to visualise how your protein dynamics evolve over time and a much easier way to explain your results (because, who likes 10,000 graphs in a presentation!? Even if your R plots look super swish.). For example: understanding binding events, PPIs over time or even loop motion.

The following tutorial shows you how to turn a static PDB structure into a dynamic one, by adding a GROMACS trajectory. Most of the commands you will encounter while making a static structure movie, so should not be too alien.

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What can you do with the OPIG Antibody Suite?

OPIG has now developed a whole range of tools for antibody analysis. I thought it might be helpful to summarise all the different tools we are maintaining (some of which are brand new, and some are not hosted at opig.stats), and what they are useful for.

Immunoglobulin Gene Sequencing (Ig-Seq/NGS) Data Analysis

1. OAS
Required Input: N/A (Database)

OAS (Observed Antibody Space) is a quality-filtered, consistently-annotated database of all of the publicly available next generation sequencing (NGS) data of antibodies. Here you can:

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docopt for dummies

Parsing command line arguments is an annoying piece of boilerplate we all have to do. Documenting our code is either an absolutely essential part of software engineering, or a frivolous waste of research time, depending on who you ask. But what if I told you that we can combine the two? That you can handle your argument parsing simply by documenting how your code works? Well, the dream is now reality. Continue reading

Introduction to R Markdown

Two of our esteemed OPIGlets presented a workshop on collaborative research using Jupyter Notebook this week at ISMB in Chicago. Their workshop highlights the importance of finding ways to share your work conveniently and reproducibly. So on a related note, I thought I would share a brief introduction to another useful tool, R Markdown with RStudio, which I use to present updates to various supervisors and to remember what I did three months (or three days) ago. This method of sharing work is highly readable, reproducible, and narrative-driven.

I use R for much of my data analysis and all of my visualisation, and I count the tidyverse among my most beloved friends. If you’re so inclined, it’s easy to execute python, bash, and more from within R Markdown. You also don’t need to use RStudio to use R Markdown, but that’s a whole other story.

Starting a new markdown file in RStudio will generate a template script explaining most of what you need to know. If I showed you that then I’d be out of a blog post, but I will at least link to the R Markdown Reference Guide.

R Markdown files consist of text written in markdown, and code chunks that can be individually executed and displayed inline within RStudio. To “knit” the whole thing together, the knitr package is used to execute and combine code chunks, then pandoc converts the whole thing into an attractive document.

Here’s an example. The metadata at the top sets up the document. I’ll be generating an html document here, but notice some other tempting examples commented out. Yes, you can use it for Latex (swoon). You can even make a Word document, but really, why would you?

title: "Informative Title"
author: "Clare E. West"
date: "10/07/2018"
output: html_document
#output: beamer_presentation
#output: pdf_document

```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)

## Big Title
### Smaller title

R Markdown scripts have the extension .Rmd

R Markdown is __so__ *fun*. You can read all about it [here](

print("Hello world")

Notice that chunks are enclosed within three backticks, with the language and options in braces. Single commands can be executed inline using single backticks.

As highlighted in the example above, global options are set like this:

knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)

“echo=TRUE” means that the code in each chunk is displayed in the final product; this is useful to show collaborators (or your future self) exactly how you did something. Change this option (“echo = FALSE”) globally or in individual blocks to prevent code from printing. This is useful to hide uninteresting commands, or when presenting to people who don’t have the time or inclination to read your code (hard to imagine). Notice I’ve also used “include = FALSE”  for the library-loading code chunk, which means evaluate but don’t include in the output. Another useful option is “eval = FALSE”, which means don’t even run this chunk.

So let’s see what that looks like when we render it:

The above example output as HTML

The above example output as Latex

Plots generated in code chunks or images from other sources can be embedded. Set the width in the options. “fig.width” sets the width (in inches) of the figure generated, while “out.width” scales the image in the final documents, for which the units will depend on the document type. Within RStudio, these are previewed inline below the code chunk.

## Including plots/images
```{r fig.width = 4, fig.height = 3, out.width = "400px", echo=FALSE}
t  %>% group_by(Tour, Winner, N, Tournament) %>% filter(WRank <= 20) %>% summarise(WPts = max(WPts))  %>% ggplot(aes(x=N, y=WPts, group=Winner, colour=(Winner=="Murray A."))) + geom_point() + geom_line() + labs(x="Tournament Number",y="Ranking Points") + scale_colour_discrete("",labels=c("Not Andy Murray", "Andy Murray")) + theme_bw() + theme(legend.position = "bottom", legend.margin = margin(0, 0, 0, 0))

Rather than just printing data R-style, you can nicely format it into a table using kable (part of knitr). I also style mine using kableExtra, which makes it look nice and gives you extra options. By default tables fill the full width, you can override this using e.g. kable_styling(full.width = FALSE, position = “left”). When making a latex document, use kable(table, booktabs = T, “latex”) to get a (reproducible) latex-style table.

Here’s how to use python and bash. Thanks to the package reticulate, you can even share objects between your R and Python chunks. Exclude reticulate (knitr::opts_chunk$set(python.reticulate=FALSE) if you prefer to keep your languages separate.


### Mix it up with python
a='Wow python'

What a wild ride. 

### or bash

```{bash, echo=TRUE}
ls | head 

Oh look, there's our output, ready to share.

Finally, if you hate GUIs – and you know I do – you can ditch the interactive notebook part and just generate documents from R Markdown files like this:



Maps are useful. But first, you need to build, store and read a map.

Recently we embarked on a project that required the storage of a relatively big dictionary with 10M+ key-value pairs. Unsurprisingly, Python took over two hours to build such dictionary, taking into accounts all the time for extending, accessing and writing to the dictionary, AND it eventually crashed. So I turned to C++ for help.

In C++, map is one of the ways you can store a string-key and an integer value. Since we are concerned about the data storage and access, I compared map and unordered_map.

An unordered_map stores a hash table of the keys and the mapped value; while a map is ordered. The important consideration here includes:
  • Memory: map does not have the hash table and is therefore smaller than an unordered_map.
  • Access: accessing an unordered_map takes O(1) while accessing a map takes log(n).
I have eventually chosen to go with map, because it is more memory efficient considering the small RAM size that I have access to. However, it still takes up about 8GB of RAM per object during its runtime (and I have 1800 objects to run through, each building a different dictionary). Saving these seems to open another can of worm.
In Python, we could easily use Pickle or JSON to serialise the dictionary. In C++, it’s common to use the BOOST library. There are two archival functions in BOOST: text or binary archives. Text archives are human-readable but I don’t think I am really going to open and read 10M+ lines of key-value pairs, I opted for binary archives that are machine readable and smaller. (Read more: .)
To further compress the memory size when I save the maps, I used zlib compression. Obviously there are ready-to-use codes from these people half a year ago, which saved me debugging:
Ultimately this gets down to 96GB summing 1800 files, all done within 6 hours.

Storing your stuff with clever filesystems: ZFS and tmpfs

The filesystem is a a critical component of just about any operating system, however it’s often overlooked. When setting up a new server, the default filesystem options are often ticked and never thought about again. However, there exist a couple of filesystems which can provide some extraordinary features and speed. I’m talking about ZFS and tmpfs.

ZFS was originally developed by Oracle for their Solaris operating system, but has now been open-sourced and is freely available on linux. Tmpfs is a temporary file system which uses system memory to provide fast temporary storage for files. Together, they can provide outstanding reliability and speed for not very much effort.

Hard disk capacity has increased exponentially over the last 50 years. In the 1960s, you could rent a 5MB hard disk from IBM for the equivalent of $130,000 per month. Today you can buy for less than $600 a 12TB disk – a 2,400,000 times increase.

As storage technology has moved on, the filesystems which sit on top of them ideally need to be able to access the full capacity of those ever increasing disks. Many relatively new, or at least in-use, filesystems have serious limitations. Akin to “640K ought to be enough for anybody”, the likes of the FAT32 filesystem supports files which are at most 4GB on a chunk of disk (a partition) which can be at most 16TB. Bear in mind that arrays of disks can provide a working capacity of many times that of a single disk. You can buy the likes of a supermicro sc946ed shelf which will add 90 disks to your server. In an ideal world, as you buy bigger disks you should be able to pile them into your computer and tell your existing filesystem to make use of them, your filesystem should grow and you won’t have to remember a different drive letter or path depending on the hardware you’re using.

ZFS is a 128-bit file system, which means a single installation maxes out at 256 quadrillion zettabytes. All metadata is allocated dynamically so there isn’t the need to pre-allocate inodes and directories can have up to 2^48 (256 trillion) entries. ZFS provides the concept of “vdevs” (virtual devices) which can be a single disk or redundant/striped collections of multiple disks. These can be dynamically added to a pool of vdevs of the same type and your storage will grow onto the fresh hardware.

A further consideration is that both disks of the “spinning rust” variety and SSDs are subject to silent data corruption, i.e. “bit rot”. This can be caused by a number of factors even including cosmic rays, but the consequence is read errors when it comes time to retrieve your data. Manufacturers are aware of this and buried in the small print for your hard disk will be values for “unrecoverable read errors” i.e. data loss. ZFS works around this by providing several mechanisms:

  • Checksums for each block of data written.
  • Checksums for each pointer to data.
  • Scrub – Automatically validates checksums when the system is idle.
  • Multiple copies – Even if you have a single disk, it’s possible to provide redundancy by setting a copies=n variable during filesystem creation.
  • Self-healing – When a bad data block is detected, ZFS fetches the correct data from a redundant copy and replaces it with the correct data.

An additional bonus to ZFS is its ability to de-duplicate data. Should you be working with a number of very similar files, on a normal filesystem, each file will take up space proportional to the amount of data that’s contained. As ZFS keeps checksums of each block of data, it’s able to determine if two blocks contain identical data. ZFS therefore provides the ability to have multiple pointers to the same file and only store the differences between them.


ZFS also provides the ability to take a point in time snapshot of the entire filesystem and roll it back to a previous time. If you’re a software developer, got a package that has 101 dependencies and you need to upgrade it? Afraid to upgrade it in case it breaks things horribly? Working on code and you want to roll back to a previous version? ZFS snapshots can be run with cron or manually and provide a version of the filesystem which can be used to extract previous versions of overwritten or deleted files or used to roll everything back to a point in time when it worked.

Similar to deduplication, a snapshot won’t take up any disk extra space until the data starts to change.

The other filesystem worth mentioning is tmpfs. Tmpfs takes part of the system memory and turns it into a usable filesystem. This is incredibly useful for systems which create huge numbers of temporary files and attempt to re-read them. Tmpfs is also just about as fast as a filesystem can be. Compared to a single SSD or a RAID array of six disks, tmpfs blows them out of the water speed wise.

Creating a tmpfs filesystem is simple:
First create your mountpoint for the disk:

mkdir /mnt/ramdisk

Then mount it. The options are saying make it 1GB in size, it’s of type tmpfs and to mount it at the previously created mount point:

mount –t tmpfs -o size=1024m tmpfs /mnt/ramdisk

At this point, you can use it like any other filesystem:

df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda1  218G 128G   80G  62% /
/dev/sdb1  6.3T 2.4T  3.6T  40% /spinnyrust
tank       946G 3.5G  942G   1% /tank
tmpfs      1.0G 391M  634M  39% /mnt/ramdisk

How to parse OAS data

We have recently released the Observed Antibody Space database – collection of cleaned and annotated antibody sequence (Ig-seq or AIRR-seq) data from 53 studies. We have formatted the data in the format that should facilitate data mining and since release we had several queries on how to parse the data out. Therefore here we give a small example of how to parse the data and make sense of it.

You should download the bulk data file from OAS, available here.

The datasets are separated into ‘data units‘  – collections of sequences that can be uniquely assigned to a range of metadata parameters such as study, organism etc. Our task therefore is to iterate through all those files and read sequences from each of these. Firstly we will attempt to iterate through the files and I will assume that you uncompressed the bulk data file into ../data/json folder. We will write a helper function that will simply list all files with its full paths in a directory and call it list_file_paths

import os

#Fetch all files in directory and subdirectories.
def list_file_paths(directory):
   for dirpath,_,filenames in os.walk(directory):
       for f in filenames:
           yield os.path.abspath(os.path.join(dirpath, f))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    #Replace this with the location of where you uncompressed the bulk data file.
    directory = '../data/json'

    for f in list_file_paths(directory):
        print f

The code above will list all the files in ../data/json which incidentally are all the ‘data units’. Now our task is to parse out the output from each of the data units. They are gzipped files with data element on each line. Therefore we will use gzip library to stream the contents of a gzipped file rather than uncompressing each one of them separately. This is achieved by function parse_single_file

import os,gzip

#Fetch all files in directory and subdirectories.
def list_file_paths(directory):
   for dirpath,_,filenames in os.walk(directory):
       for f in filenames:
           yield os.path.abspath(os.path.join(dirpath, f))

#Parse out the contents of a single file.
def parse_single_file(src):
    #The first line are the meta entries.
    meta_line = True
    for line in,'rb'):
        print line

if __name__ == '__main__':
    #Replace this with the location of where you uncompressed the bulk data file.
    directory = '../data/json'

    for f in list_file_paths(directory):

The code above will simply go through all the data unit files, stream the gzipped lines and print each one of them separately. Each line however is formatted as json – meaning it can be parsed using pythons json library and act as a pythonic dictionary. below we have parsed out the basic elements in the final incarnation of the code:

import os,gzip,json,pprint

#Fetch all files in directory and subdirectories.
def list_file_paths(directory):
   for dirpath,_,filenames in os.walk(directory):
       for f in filenames:
           yield os.path.abspath(os.path.join(dirpath, f))

#Parse out the contents of a single file.
def parse_single_file(src):
    #The first line are the meta entries.
    meta_line = True
    for line in,'rb'):
        if meta_line == True:
                metadata = json.loads(line)
                print "Metadata:"
        #Parse actual sequence data.
        basic_data = json.loads(line)
        print "Basic data:"

        #IMGT-Numbered sequence.
        print "IMGT-numbered sequence"
        d = json.loads(basic_data['data'])
        print "==========="
if __name__ == '__main__':
    #Replace this with the location of where you uncompressed the bulk data file.
    directory = '../data/json'

    for f in list_file_paths(directory):

The first line of each data unit are meta entries. These look as follows:

{u'Age': u'22-70',
 u'Author': u'Halliley et al., (2015)',
 u'BSource': u'Bone-Marrow',
 u'BType': u'Plasma-B-Cells',
 u'Chain': u'Heavy',
 u'Disease': u'None',
 u'Isotype': u'IGHM',
 u'Link': u'',
 u'Longitudinal': u'no',
 u'Size': 934,
 u'Species': u'human',
 u'Subject': u'no',
 u'Vaccine': u'Tetanus/Flu'}

The attributes should be self-explanatory and the existence of this data on top of each file is supposed to streamline searching through data-units if you wish to parse sequences given a particular configuration of meta-data entries (e.g. organism).

Next, the code parses out data on each sequence that is associated with its genes, full sequence, CDR3 and numbered sequence. Therefore the output for this will look something like this:

 u'data': u'{"fwh1": {"11": "G", "24": "T", "13": "V", "12": "L", "15": "P", "14": "K", "17": "E", "16": "S", "19": "L", "18": "T", "22": "T", "26": "S", "25": "V", "21": "L", "20": "S", "23": "C"}, "fwh3": {"68": "N", "88": "S", "89": "L", "66": "Y", "67": "Y", "82": "T", "83": "S", "80": "V", "81": "D", "86": "Q", "87": "F", "84": "K", "85": "N", "92": "S", "79": "S", "69": "P", "104": "C", "78": "I", "77": "T", "76": "V", "75": "R", "74": "S", "72": "K", "71": "L", "70": "S", "102": "Y", "90": "K", "100": "A", "101": "V", "95": "T", "94": "V", "97": "A", "96": "A", "91": "L", "99": "T", "98": "D", "93": "S", "103": "Y"}, "fwh2": {"52": "W", "39": "W", "48": "Q", "49": "G", "46": "P", "47": "G", "44": "Q", "45": "P", "51": "E", "43": "R", "40": "G", "42": "I", "55": "S", "53": "I", "54": "G", "41": "W", "50": "L"}, "fwh4": {"120": "Q", "121": "G", "122": "T", "123": "L", "124": "V", "125": "P", "126": "V", "127": "S", "128": "S", "119": "G", "118": "W"}, "cdrh1": {"27": "G", "37": "Y", "31": "S", "30": "I", "28": "G", "29": "S", "35": "S", "34": "S", "38": "Y", "36": "S"}, "cdrh2": {"59": "S", "58": "Y", "57": "S", "56": "I", "63": "G", "64": "T", "65": "T"}, "cdrh3": {"111A": "W", "109": "G", "108": "Q", "115": "L", "114": "G", "117": "H", "116": "S", "111": "Y", "110": "V", "113": "A", "112": "T", "112A": "T", "112B": "V", "106": "R", "107": "H", "105": "A"}}',
 u'j': u'IGHJ1*01',
 u'name': 12,
 u'redundancy': 1,
 u'v': u'IGHV4-39*07'}

Above, redundancy refers to how many times we see a given sequence (seq) in a particular study. We also store the IMGT-numbered data (the data attribute) which needs a second round of json parsing and its output is a dictionary of IMGT-number – amino acid associations grouped by the regions of an antibody (cdrs and framework regions):

{u'cdrh1': {u'27': u'G',
            u'28': u'G',
            u'29': u'S',
            u'30': u'I',
            u'31': u'S',
            u'34': u'S',
            u'35': u'S',
            u'36': u'S',
            u'37': u'Y',
            u'38': u'Y'},
 u'cdrh2': {u'56': u'I',
            u'57': u'S',
            u'58': u'Y',
            u'59': u'S',
            u'63': u'G',
            u'64': u'T',
            u'65': u'T'},
 u'cdrh3': {u'105': u'A',
            u'106': u'R',
            u'107': u'H',
            u'108': u'Q',
            u'109': u'G',
            u'110': u'V',
            u'111': u'Y',
            u'111A': u'W',
            u'112': u'T',
            u'112A': u'T',
            u'112B': u'V',
            u'113': u'A',
            u'114': u'G',
            u'115': u'L',
            u'116': u'S',
            u'117': u'H'},
 u'fwh1': {u'11': u'G',
           u'12': u'L',
           u'13': u'V',
           u'14': u'K',
           u'15': u'P',
           u'16': u'S',
           u'17': u'E',
           u'18': u'T',
           u'19': u'L',
           u'20': u'S',
           u'21': u'L',
           u'22': u'T',
           u'23': u'C',
           u'24': u'T',
           u'25': u'V',
           u'26': u'S'},
 u'fwh2': {u'39': u'W',
           u'40': u'G',
           u'41': u'W',
           u'42': u'I',
           u'43': u'R',
           u'44': u'Q',
           u'45': u'P',
           u'46': u'P',
           u'47': u'G',
           u'48': u'Q',
           u'49': u'G',
           u'50': u'L',
           u'51': u'E',
           u'52': u'W',
           u'53': u'I',
           u'54': u'G',
           u'55': u'S'},
 u'fwh3': {u'100': u'A',
           u'101': u'V',
           u'102': u'Y',
           u'103': u'Y',
           u'104': u'C',
           u'66': u'Y',
           u'67': u'Y',
           u'68': u'N',
           u'69': u'P',
           u'70': u'S',
           u'71': u'L',
           u'72': u'K',
           u'74': u'S',
           u'75': u'R',
           u'76': u'V',
           u'77': u'T',
           u'78': u'I',
           u'79': u'S',
           u'80': u'V',
           u'81': u'D',
           u'82': u'T',
           u'83': u'S',
           u'84': u'K',
           u'85': u'N',
           u'86': u'Q',
           u'87': u'F',
           u'88': u'S',
           u'89': u'L',
           u'90': u'K',
           u'91': u'L',
           u'92': u'S',
           u'93': u'S',
           u'94': u'V',
           u'95': u'T',
           u'96': u'A',
           u'97': u'A',
           u'98': u'D',
           u'99': u'T'},
 u'fwh4': {u'118': u'W',
           u'119': u'G',
           u'120': u'Q',
           u'121': u'G',
           u'122': u'T',
           u'123': u'L',
           u'124': u'V',
           u'125': u'P',
           u'126': u'V',
           u'127': u'S',
           u'128': u'S'}}

We hope this quick intro to our data format will allow you to do great science with this data.

Working with Jupyter notebook on a remote server

To celebrate the recent beta release of Jupyter Lab (try it out of you haven’t already), today we’re going to look at how to run a Jupyter session (Notebook or Lab) on a remote server.

Suppose you have lots of data which lives on a remote server and you want to play with it in a Jupyter notebook. You can’t copy the data to your local machine (well, you can, but you’re sensible so you won’t), but you can run your Jupyter session on the remote server. There’s just one problem – since Jupyter notebook is browser-based and works by connecting to the Jupyter session running locally, you can’t just run Jupyter remotely and forward X11 like you would a traditional graphical IDE. Fortunately, the solution is simple: we run Jupyter remotely, create an ssh tunnel connecting a local port to the one used by the Jupyter session, and connect directly to the Jupyter session using our local browser. The best part about this is that you can set up the Jupyter session once then connect to it from any browser on any machine once an ssh tunnel is created, without worrying about X11 forwarding.

Here’s how to do it.

1. First, connect to the remote server if you haven’t already

ssh fergus@funkyserver

1.5. Jupyter takes browser security very seriously, so in order to access a remote session from a local browser we need to set up a password associated with the remote Jupyter session. This is stored in which by default lives in ~/.jupyter. You can edit this manually, but the easiest option is to set the password by running Jupyter with the password argument:

jupyter notebook password
>>> Enter password:

This password will be used to access any Jupyter session running from this installation, so pick something sensible. You can set a new password at any time on the remote server in exactly the same way.

2: Launch a Jupyter session on the remote server. You can specify the access port using the --port option. This might be useful on a shared server where others might be doing the same thing. You’ll also want to run this without launching a browser on the remote server since this is of no use to you.

jupyter lab --port=9000 --no-browser &

Here I’m using Jupyter Lab, but this works in exactly the same way for Jupyter Notebook.

3: Now for the fun part. Jupyter is running on our remote server, but what we really want is to work in our favourite browser on our local machine. To do this we just need to create an ssh tunnel between a port on our machine and the port our Jupyter session is using on the remote server. On our local machine:

ssh -N -f -L 8888:localhost:9000 fergus@funkyserver

For those not familiar with ssh tunneling, we’ve just created a secure, encrypted connection between port 8888 on our local machine and port 9000 on our remote server.

  • -N tells ssh we won’t be running any remote processes using the connection. This is useful for situations like this where all we want to do is port forwarding.
  • -f runs ssh in the background, so we don’t need to keep a terminal session running just for the tunnel.
  • -L specifies that we’ll be forwarding a local port to a remote address and port. In this case, we’re forwarding port 8888 on our machine to port 9000 on the remote server. The name ‘localhost’ just means ‘this computer’. If you’re a Java programmer who lives for verbosity, you could equivalently pass -L localhost:8888:localhost:9000.

4: If you’ve done everything correctly, you should now be able to access your Jupyter session via port 8888 on your machine. Fire up your favourite browser and type localhost:8888 into the address bar. This should bring up a Jupyter session and prompt you for a password. Enter the password you specified for Jupyter on the remote server.

Congratulations! You now have a Jupyter session running remotely which you can connect to anytime, anywhere, from any machine.

Disclaimer: I haven’t tried this on Windows, nor do I intend to. I value my sanity.