Category Archives: Hints and Tips

BioDataScience101: a fantastic initiative to learn bioinformatics and data science

Last Wednesday, I was fortunate enough to be invited as a guest lecturer to the 3rd BioDataScience101 workshop, an initiative spearheaded by Paolo Marcatili, Professor of Bioinformatics at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU). This session, on amino acid sequence analysis applied to both proteomics and antibody drug discovery, was designed and organised by OPIG’s very own Tobias Olsen.

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Enhance your presentation by using virtual webcams and scene transitions

If you haven’t checked out Matt’s post on using OBS for recording video, I highly recommend doing so. OBS is a terrific way to present your work online. It can provide (amongst many, many other things) the ability to create live picture-in-picture scenes, so you can move through your powerpoint deck whilst overlaying video of your tiny talking head in the corner.

Continuing on from Matt’s post, I’d like to promote the OBS virtual camera plugin and Touch Portal.

Every company, department or course has its own favourite video conferencing application and whilst they all have their strengths, consistency is not one of them. If you want to consistently display your presentation and your live video regardless of the platform in use, this quickly gets into the “messy” territory. This is where the virtual camera comes in.

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Graphical abstracts that spark joy on a gloomy day

Have you ever read a paper just because it had a funny, endearing, or utterly bizarre graphical abstract? Ever since a colleague showed me the ‘Graphical abstracts that I gone and found’ Facebook page, I have definitely come across a few, and I thought I would share some of my favourite ones below. If you enjoy this kind of thing, I strongly suggest visiting their page for more – it makes for a wonderful distraction from pretty much anything. Continue reading

A new Graduate students (unexperienced) guide to academic literature.

Given this is my first ever attempt at a blog post, let alone one on such a highly regarded platform I feel it’s proper that I introduce myself. Hi, my name is Maranga, I am a second-year SABS student starting my DPhil project in Small molecules, and honestly, I really don’t like reading. Especially, scientific journals. Now I can appreciate this does not bode well given my chosen career path, however, my aversion for reading is not new (shoutout to Biff, Chip and Kipper) and hopefully not permanent.

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3 Useful UNIX commands you might not know


The command nohup (stands for “No hang up”) allows your script to run even if you quit the terminal. It can be very useful, especially if your terminal has been opened through ssh and you have a dodgy connection. It can be used as follows:

nohup python > log.out &

nohup will automatically append the output from your script to a file named nohup.out. By adding the > log.out part of the command you can save the output to a different file of your choice.

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Improving your Python code quality using git pre-commit hooks


I recently completed an internship during which I spent a considerable amount of time doing software engineering. One of my main take-aways from this experience was that in industry, a lot more attention is spent on ensuring that code committed to a GitHub repo is clean and bug-free.

This is achieved through several means like code review (get other people to read your code), test-driven development (make sure your code works as you are adding functionality) or paired development (have two people work together on the same piece of code). Here, I will instead focus on a useful tool that is easy to integrate into your existing git workflow: Pre-commit hooks.

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The right tool for the job – The Joy of Excel

Excel’s pervasiveness has resulted in it being used (correctly or incorrectly) in just about every area of science.

Unfortunately, Excel has some traps for the new player and unless you’ve fallen for them before, they are not entirely obvious. They stem from the fact that Excel will try to help the user by reformatting data into what it thinks you mean.

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