Category Archives: Hints and Tips

Baby’s First NeurIPS: A Survival Guide for Conference Newbies

There’s something very surreal about stepping into your first major machine learning conference: suddenly, all those GitHub usernames, paper authors, and protagonists of heated twitter spats become real people, the hallways are buzzing with discussions of papers you’ve been meaning to read, and somehow there are 17,000 other people trying to navigate it all alongside you. That was my experience at NeurIPS this year, and despite feeling like a microplankton in an ocean of ML research, I had a grand time. While some of this success was pure luck, much of it came down to excellent advice from the group’s ML conference veterans and lessons learned through trial and error. So, before the details fade into a blur of posters and coffee breaks, here’s my guide to making the most of your first major ML conference.

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Visualising and validating differences between machine learning models on small benchmark datasets


Sam Money-Kyrle


An epidemic is sweeping through cheminformatics (and machine learning) research: ugly results tables. These tables are typically bloated with metrics (such as regression and classification metrics next to each other), vastly differing tasks, erratic bold text, and many models. As a consequence, results become difficult to analyse and interpret. Additionally, it is rare to see convincing evidence, such as statistical tests, for whether one model is ‘better’ than another (something Pat Walters has previously discussed). Tables are a practical way to present results and are appropriate in many cases; however, this practicality should not come at the cost of clarity.

The terror of ugly tables extends to benchmark leaderboards, such as Therapeutic Data Commons (TDC). These leaderboard tables do not show:

  1. whether differences in metrics between methods are statistically significant,
  2. whether methods use ensembles or single models,
  3. whether methods use classical (such as Morgan fingerprints) or learned (such as Graph Neural Networks) representations,
  4. whether methods are pre-trained or not,
  5. whether pre-trained models are supervised, self-supervised, or both,
  6. the data and tasks that pre-trained models are pre-trained on.

This lack of context makes meaningful comparisons between approaches challenging, obscuring whether performance discrepancies are due to variance, ensembling, overfitting, exposure to more data, or novelties in model architecture and molecular featurisation. Confirming the statistical significance of performance differences (under consistent experimental conditions!) is crucial in constructing a more lucid picture of machine learning in drug discovery. Using figures to share results in a clear, non-tabular format would also help.

Statistical validation is particularly relevant in domains with small datasets, such as drug discovery, as the small number of test samples leads to high variance in performance between different splits. Recent work by Ash et al. (2024) sought to alleviate the lack of statistical validation in cheminformatics by sharing a helpful set of guidelines for researchers. Here, we explore implementing some of the methods they suggest (plus some others) in Python.

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Making Pretty Pictures in PyMOL v2

Throughout my PhD I’ve needed nice PyMOL visualizations, but struggled to quickly and easily make the pictures I wanted. I’ve used Claire Marks‘ blopig post, Making Pretty Pictures in PyMOL, many times and wanted to expand it with what I’ve learned to make satisfying visualizations quickly!

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Controlling PyMol from afar

Do you keep downloading .pdb and .sdf files and loading them into PyMol repeatedly?

If yes, then PyMol remote might be just for you. With PyMol remote, you can control a PyMol session running on your laptop from any other machine. For example, from a Jupyter Notebook running on your HPC cluster.

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Cross referencing across LaTeX documents in one project

A common scenario we come across is that we have a main manuscript document and a supplementary information document, each of which have their own sections, tables and figures. The question then becomes – how do we effectively cross-reference between the documents without having to tediously count all the numbers ourselves every time we make a change and recompile the documents?

The answer: cross referencing!

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Navigating Hallucinations in Large Language Models: A Simple Guide

AI is moving fast, and large language models (LLMs) are at the centre of it all, doing everything from generating coherent, human-like text to tackling complex coding challenges. And this is just scratching the surface—LLMs are popping up everywhere, and their list of talents keeps growing by the day.

However, these models aren’t infallible. One of their most intriguing and concerning quirks is the phenomenon known as “hallucination” – instances where the AI confidently produces information that is fabricated or factually incorrect. As we increasingly rely on AI-powered systems in our daily lives, understanding what hallucinations are is crucial. This post briefly explores LLM hallucinations, exploring what they are, why they occur, and how we can navigate them and get the most out of our new favourite tools.

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Out of the box RDKit-valid is an imperfect metric: a review of the KekulizeException and nitrogen protonation to correct this

In deep learning based compound generation models the metric of fraction of RDKit-valid compounds is ubiquitous, but is problematic from the cheminformatics viewpoint as a large fraction may be driven by pyrrolic nitrogens (see below) rather than Texas carbons (carbon with 5 bonds like the Star of Texas). In RDKit, no error is more irksome that the KekulizeException or ValenceException from RDKit sanitisation. These are raised when the molecule is not correct. This would make the RDKit-valid a good metric, except for a small detail: the validity is as interpreted from the the stated implicit and explicit hydrogens and formal charges on the atoms, which most models do not assign. Therefore, a compound may not be RDKit-valid because it is actually impossible, like a Texas carbon, but in many cases it is because the formal charge or implicit hydrogen numbers of some atoms are incorrect. In both case, the major culprit is nitrogen. Herein I go through what they are and how to fix them, with a focus on aromatic nitrogens.

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Do not forget to add your data folder to .gitignore

It is good practice not to commit a data folder to version control if the data is available elsewhere and you do not want to track changes of the data. But do not forget to also add an entry for this folder to .gitignore because otherwise git iterates over all the files in the folder when checking for file changes, which may take a long time if there are many files.

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Converting or renaming files, whilst still maintaining the directory structure

For various reasons we might need to convert files from one format to another, for instance from lossless FLAC to MP3. For example:

ffmpeg -i lossless-audio.flac -acodec libmp3lame -ab 128k compressed-audio.mp3

This could be any conversion, but it implies that the input file and the output file are in the same directory. What if we have a carefully curated directory structure and we want to convert (or rename) every file within that structure?

find . -name “*.whateveryouneed” -exec somecommand {} \; is the tool for you.

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Reproducible publishing

I’m a big fan of Jupyter Notebooks. They’re a great way to document and explain code, and even better, you can run this code when connected to an appropriate kernel.

What if you want to work on something larger than a notebook? Say a chapter or even a whole book, with Python, R, Observable JS, or Julia code? Enter Quarto. You can combine Jupyter notebooks and/or plain text markdown to publish production quality articles, presentations, dashboards, website, blogs and books in HTML, PDF, Microsoft Word, ePub, and other formats. Quarto can also connect to publishing platforms like Posit Connect, Confluence Cloud, and others.

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