Category Archives: Hardware

Making pretty, interactive graphs the simple way – Use Plotly.

Using an ESP8266 and some DS18B20 one-wire temperature sensors, I have been automatically recording temperature data from various parts of my pond, to see how it fluctuated with air temperature, depth and filter configuration.

Despite the help I was receiving from the feline fish monitor, I was getting a bit irked at the quality of the graphs I was getting using matplotlib.

Matplotlib has been around since 2003, more than 20 years now. It’s arguably the defacto method of producing graphs in python and it’s not going away. However, it’s also a pain to use and by default produces some quite ugly plots unless you put in the mileage. In fact, when attempting to quickly explore data, Michael L. Waskom’s frustrations with matplotlib were directly related to the production of the seaborn library. “By producing complete graphics from a single function call with minimal
arguments, seaborn facilitates rapid prototyping and exploratory data analysis.”

Seaborn makes use of matplotlib and integrates tightly with pandas provide a neat wrapper for matplotlib functions, allowing you to avoid a lot of the data herding needed to view a graph.

You may think “OK, so seaborn finally tames matplotlib, why should I use anything else?” In short, interactivity. Seaborn and Matplotlib may produce graphs, but a graph alone doesn’t really let you explore the data. If you look at a graph you’re limited to the scale the author thought made sense, you can’t zoom in or out and if one line is behind another, you’re kind of stuck.

Where plotly really shines is with just two lines you can generate your figure and then either save it as the image below, or as an interactive HTML graph such as this.

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An Open-Source CUDA for AMD GPUs – ZLUDA

Lots of work has been put into making AMD designed GPUs to work nicely with GPU accelerated frameworks like PyTorch. Despite this, getting performant code on non-NVIDIA graphics cards can be challenging for both users and developers. Even in the case where the developer has appropriately optimised for each platform there are often gaps in performance where, at the driver-level, instructions to the GPU may not be optimised fully. This is because software developed using CUDA can benefit from optimisations like operation-fusing without having to specify in many cases.

This may not be much of a concern for most researchers as we simply use what is available to us. Most of the time this is usually NVIDIA GPUs and there is hardly a choice to it. NVIDIA is aware of this and prices their products accordingly. Part of the problem is that system designers just dont have an incentive to build AMD platfroms other than for highly specialised machines.

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How to replace bike ball bearings when your steering sounds crunchy

Over the last few months my bicycle steering axle started freezing up, to the point where the first thing I did before getting on my bike in the morning was jerk the handlebars from side to side aggressively to loosen it up. It made atrocious guttural sounds and bangs when I did and navigating Oxford by bike was becoming more treacherous by the day as I swerved from left to right trying to wrestle my front wheel’s fork in the right direction. It was time to undertake some DIY…

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What the heck are TPUs?

I recently became curious about TPUs, a specialised hardware for training Machine- and Deep-Learning models, where TPU stands for Tensor Processing Unit. This fancy chip can provide very high gains for anyone aiming to perform really massive parallelisation of AI tasks such as training, fine-tuning, and inference.

In this blog post, I will touch on what a TPU is, why it could be useful for AI applications when compared to GPUs and briefly discuss associated opportunity costs.

What’s a TPU?

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