Category Archives: Code

How to prepare a molecule for RDKit

RDKit is very fussy when it comes to inputs in SDF format. Using the SDMolSupplier, we get a significant rate of failure even on curated datasets such as the PDBBind refined set. Pymol has no such scruples, and with that, I present a function which has proved invaluable to me over the course of my DPhil. For reasons I have never bothered to explore, using pymol to convert from sdf, into mol2 and back to sdf format again (adding in missing hydrogens along the way) will almost always make a molecule safe to import using RDKit:

from pathlib import Path
from pymol import cmd

def py_mollify(sdf, overwrite=False):
    """Use pymol to sanitise an SDF file for use in RDKit.

        sdf: location of faulty sdf file
        overwrite: whether or not to overwrite the original sdf. If False,
            a new file will be written in the form <sdf_fname>_pymol.sdf
        Original sdf filename if overwrite == False, else the filename of the
        sanitised output.
    sdf = Path(sdf).expanduser().resolve()
    mol2_fname = str(sdf).replace('.sdf', '_pymol.mol2')
    new_sdf_fname = sdf if overwrite else str(sdf).replace('.sdf', '_pymol.sdf')
    return new_sdf_fname

How to Install Open Source PyMOL on Windows 10

It is possible to get an installer for the crystallographer’s favourite molecular visualization tool for Windows machines, that is if you are willing to pay a fee. Fortunately, Christoph Gohlke has made available free, pre-compiled Windows versions of the latest PyMOL software, along with all of it’s requirements, it’s just not particularly straightforward to install. The PyMOLWiki offers a three-step guide on how to do this and I will break it down to make it somewhat clearer.

1. Install the latest version of Python 3 for Windows

Download the Windows Installer (x-bit) for Python 3 from their website, x being your Windows architecture – 32 or 64.

Then, follow the instructions on how to install it. You can check if it has installed by running the following in PowerShell:

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Making pwd redundant

I’m going to keep this one brief, because I am mid-confirmation-and-paper-writing madness. I have seen too many people – both beginners and seasoned veterans – wandering around their Linux filesystem blindfolded:

Isn’t it hideous?

Whenever you want to see where you are, you have to execute pwd (present working directory), which will print your absolute location to stdout. If you have many terminals open at the same time, it is easy to lose track of where you are, and every other command becomes pwd; surely, I hear you cry, there has to be a better way!

Well, fear not! With a little tinkering with ~/.bashrc, we can display the working directory as part of the special PS1 environment variable, responsible for how your username and computer are displayed above. Putting the following at the top of ~/.bashrc

me=`id | awk -F\( '{print $2}' | awk -F\) '{print $1}'`
export PS1="`uname -n |  /bin/sed 's/\..*//'`{$me}:\$PWD$ "

… saving, and starting a new termanal window results in:

Much better!

I haven’t used pwd in 3 years.

Post-processing for molecular docking: Assigning the correct bond order using RDKit.

AutoDock4 and AutoDock Vina are the most commonly used open-source software for protein-ligand docking. However, they both rely on a derivative of the “PDB” (Protein Data Base) file format: the “PDBQT” file (Protein Data Bank, Partial Charge (Q), & Atom Type (T)). In addition to the information contained in normal PDB files, PDBQT files have an additional column that lists the partial charge (Q) and the assigned AutoDock atom type (T) for each atom in the molecule. AutoDock atom types offer a more granular differentiation between atoms such as listing aliphatic carbons and aromatic carbons as separate AutoDock atom types.

The biggest drawback about the PDBQT format is that it does not encode for the bond order in molecules explicitly. Instead, the bond order is inferred based on the atom type, distance and angle to nearby atoms in the molecule. For normal sp3 carbons and molecules with mostly single bonds this system works fine, however, for more complex structures containing for example aromatic rings, conjugated systems and hypervalent atoms such as sulphur, the bond order is often not displayed correctly. This leads to issues downstream in the screening pipeline when molecules suddenly change their bond order or have to be discarded after docking because of impossible bond orders.

The solution to this problem is included in RDKit: The AssignBondOrdersFromTemplate function. All you need to do is load the original molecule used for docking as a template molecule and the docked pose PDBQT file into RDKIT as a PDB, without the bond order information. Then assign the original bond order from your template molecule. The following code snippet covers the necessary functions and should help you build a more accurate and reproducible protein-ligand docking pipeline:

#import RDKit AllChem
from rdkit import Chem
from rdkit.Chem import AllChem

#load original molecule from smiles
SMILES_STRING = "CCCCCCCCC" #the smiles string of your ligand
template = Chem.MolFromSmiles(SMILES_STRING)

#load the docked pose as a PDB file
loc_of_docked_pose = "docked_pose_mol.pdb" #file location of the docked pose converted to PDB file
docked_pose = AllChem.MolFromPDBFile(loc_of_docked_pose)

#Assign the bond order to force correct valence
newMol = AllChem.AssignBondOrdersFromTemplate(template, docked_pose)

#Add Hydrogens if desired. "addCoords = True" makes sure the hydrogens are added in 3D. This does not take pH/pKa into account. 
newMol_H = Chem.AddHs(newMol, addCoords=True)

#save your new correct molecule as a sdf file that encodes for bond orders correctly
output_loc = "docked_pose_assigned_bond_order.sdf" #output file name
Chem.MolToMolFile(newMol_H, output_loc)

Non-linear Dependence? Mutual Information to the Rescue!

We are all familiar with the idea of a correlation. In the broadest sense of the word, a correlation can refer to any kind of dependence between two variables. There are three widely used tests for correlation:

  • Spearman’s r: Used to measure a linear relationship between two variables. Requires linear dependence and each marginal distribution to be normal.
  • Pearson’s ρ: Used to measure rank correlations. Requires the dependence structure to be described by a monotonic relationship
  • Kendall’s 𝛕: Used to measure ordinal association between variables.

While these three measures give us plenty of options to work with, they do not work in all cases. Take for example the following variables, Y1 and Y2. These might be two variables that vary in a concerted manner.

Perhaps we suspect that a state change in Y1 leads to a state change in Y2 or vice versa and we want to measure the association between these variables. Using the three measures of correlation, we get the following results:

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How to turn a SMILES string into a molecular graph for Pytorch Geometric

Despite some of their technical issues, graph neural networks (GNNs) are quickly being adopted as one of the state-of-the-art methods for molecular property prediction. The differentiable extraction of molecular features from low-level molecular graphs has become a viable (although not always superior) alternative to classical molecular representation techniques such as Morgan fingerprints and molecular descriptor vectors.

But molecular data usually comes in the sequential form of labeled SMILES strings. It is not obvious for beginners how to optimally transform a SMILES string into a structured molecular graph object that can be used as an input for a GNN. In this post, we show how to convert a SMILES string into a molecular graph object which can subsequently be used for graph-based machine learning. We do so within the framework of Pytorch Geometric which currently is one of the best and most commonly used Python-based GNN-libraries.

We divide our task into three high-level steps:

  1. We define a function that maps an RDKit atom object to a suitable atom feature vector.
  2. We define a function that maps an RDKit bond object to a suitable bond feature vector.
  3. We define a function that takes as its input a list of SMILES strings and associated labels and then uses the functions from 1.) and 2.) to create a list of labeled Pytorch Geometric graph objects as its output.
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Python’s Data Classes

When writing code, you have inevitably needed to store data throughout your pipeline. In these cases you store your value, list or data frame as a variable to easily use it elsewhere in your code. However, sometimes your data has an awkward form, consisting of a number of different length lists or data of different types and sizes. While it is still doable to work with, and using tuples or dictionaries can help, accessing different elements in your data quickly becomes messy and it is less intuitive what your code is actually doing.

To solve the above stated problem, data classes were introduced as a new feature in Python 3.7. A data class is a regular Python class, but with certain methods already implemented for you. This makes them easy to create and removes a lot of boilerplate (repeated code) making them simpler, more intuitive and pretty. Further, as data classes are part of the standard library, you can directly import it without needing to install any external dependencies (noice).

With the sales pitch out of the way, let us look at how we can use data classes.

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Any

class Antibody:
    vgene: str
    jgene: None
    sequence: Any = 'EVQ'
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Solving WORDLE with grep

People seem to have become obsessed with wordle, just like they became obsessed with sudoku. After my initial burst of “oh a new game!” had waned, I was left thinking “my time is precious and this is exactly what we have computers for”. With this in mind, below is my quick and dirty way of solving these. I’m sure the regexp gurus amongst you will have a more elegant solution.

Step 1: Make sure you’ve got /usr/share/dict/words installed. This is just a huge list of words in a specific language and for me, this required installing the British words list.

sudo apt-get install wbritish

Step 2: Go to wordle

Step 3: Pick a random 5-letter word as your starting point. This is where grep and /usr/share/dict/words comes in:

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snakeMAKE better workflows with your code

When developing your pipeline for processing, annotating and/or analyzing data, you will probably find yourself needing to continuously re-run it, as you play around with your code. This can become a problem when working with long pipelines, large datasets and cpu’s begging you not to run some pieces of code again.

Luckily, you are not the first one to have been annoyed by this and other related struggles. Some people were actually so annoyed that they created Snakemake. Snakemake can be used to create workflows and help solve problems, such as the one mentioned above. This is done using a Snakefile, which helps you split your pipeline into “rules”. To illustrate how this helps you create a better workflow, we will be looking at the example below.

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