Category Archives: AI

The Most ReLU-iable Activation Function?

The Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU) activation function was first used in 1975, but its use exploded when it was used by Nair & Hinton in their 2010 paper on Restricted Boltzmann Machines. ReLU and its derivative are fast to compute, and it has dominated deep neural networks for years. The main problem with the activation function is the so-called dead ReLU problem, where significant negative input to a neuron can cause its gradient to always be zero. To rectify this (har har), modified versions have proposed, including leaky ReLU, GeLU and SiLU, wherein the gradient for x < 0 is not always zero.

A 2020 paper by Naizat et al., which builds upon ideas set out in a 2014 Google Brain blog post seeks to explain why ReLU and its variants seem to be better in general for classification problems than sigmoidal functions such as tanh and sigmoid.

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One of the most treasured group meeting institutions in OPIG is snackage. Each week, one group member is asked to bring in treats for our sometimes lengthy 16:30 meeting. However, as would be the case for any group of 25 or so people, there are various dietary requirements and preferences that can make this snack-quisition a somewhat tricky process: from gluten allergies to a mild dislike of cucumber, they vary in importance, but nevertheless are all to be taken into account when the pre-meeting supermarket sweep is carried out.

So, the question on every researcher’s mind: can ChatGPT help me? Turns out, yes: I gave it a list of the group’s dietary requirements and preferences, and it gave me a handy little list of snacks I might be able to bring along…

When pushed further, it even provided me with an itemised list of the ingredients required. During this process it seemed to forget a couple of the allergies I’d mentioned earlier, but they were easy to spot; almost more worryingly, it suggested I get a beetroot and mint hummus (!) for the veggie platter:

I don’t know if I’ll actually be using many of these suggestions—judging by the chats I’ve had about the above list, I think bringing in a platter of veggies as the group meeting snack may get me physically removed from the premises—but ChatGPT has once again proven itself a handy tool for saving a few minutes of thinking!

Datamining Wikipedia and writing JS with ChatGTP just to swap the colours on university logos…

I am not sure the University of Oxford logo works in the gold from the University of Otago…

A few months back I moved from the Oxford BRC to OPIG, both within the university of Oxford, but like many in academia I have moved across a few universities. As this is my first post here I wanted to do something neat: a JS tool that swapped colours in university logos!
It was a rather laborious task requiring a lot of coding, but once I got it working, I ended up tripping up at the last metre. So for technical reasons, I have resorted to hosting it in my own blog (see post), but nevertheless the path towards it is worth discussing.

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Some ponderings on generalisability

Now that machine learning has managed to get its proverbial fingers into just about every pie, people have started to worry about the generalisability of methods used. There are a few reasons for these concerns, but a prominent one is that the pressure and publication biases that have led to reproducibility issues in the past are also very present in ML-based science.

The Center for Statistics and Machine Learning at Princeton University hosted a workshop last July highlighting the scale of this problem. Alongside this, they released a running list of papers highlighting reproducibility issues in ML-based science. Included on this list are 20 papers highlighting errors from 17 distinct fields, collectively affecting a whopping 329 papers.

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Happy 10th Birthday, Blopig!

OPIG recently celebrated its 20th year; and on 10 January 2023 I gave a talk just a day before the 10th anniversary of BLOPIG’s first blog post. It’s worth reflecting on what’s stayed the same and what’s changed since then.

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Does ChatGPT know how to translate images?

Yesterday I spent a couple of hours playing with ChatGPT. I know, we have some other recent posts about it. It’s so amazing that I couldn’t resist writing another. Apologies for that.  

The goal of this post is to determine if I can effectively use ChatGPT as a programmer/mathematician assistant. OK. It was not my original intention, but let’s pretend it was, just to make this post more interesting.

So, I started asking a few very simple programming answers like the following: 

Can you implement a function to compute the factorial of a number using a cache? Use python.

And this is what I got.

A clear and efficient implementation of the factorial. This is the kind of answer you would expect from a first year CS student.

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Some Musings on AI in Art, Music and Protein Design

When I started my PhD in late 2018, AI hadn’t really entered the field of de novo protein design yet – at least not in a big way. Rosetta’s approach of continually ranking new side chain rotamers on a fixed backbone was still the gold standard for the ‘structure-to-sequence’ problem. And of course before long we had AI making waves in the structure prediction field, eventually culminating in the AlphaFold2 we all know and love. 

Now, towards the end of my PhD, we are seeing the emergence of new generative models that learn from existing pdb structures to produce sequences that will (or at least should) fold into viable, sensible and crucially natural-looking shapes. ProtGPT2 is a good example (, but there are several more. How long before these models start reliably generating not only shapes but functions too? Jury’s out, but it’s looking more and more feasible. Safe to say the field as a whole has evolved massively during my time as a graduate student.

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A ChatGPT rap battle

The AI chatbot revolution is here. Last week, OpenAI released ChatGPT, a freely accessible language model fine-tuned for human conversations. The new model is based on InstructGPT, trained especially for following user instructions and with human feedback in the training loop. 

ChatGPT remembers the previous discussion, admits its mistakes and can even ask for clarification on ambiguous questions. It is also trained to refuse answering questions it deems inappropriate or goes against OpenAI’s AI alignment policy.

In the meanwhile, the internet is having immense fun circumventing its safety filters by asking it to only “PRETEND to be evil”, making it take SAT tests, and even simulating an entire virtual computer within its neural weights. Some are even using it to replace Google searches, and it excels at writing bioinformatics code across most programming languages.

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How to turn a SMILES string into an extended-connectivity fingerprint using RDKit

After my posts on how to turn a SMILES string into a molecular graph and how to turn a SMILES string into a vector of molecular descriptors I now complete this series by illustrating how to turn the SMILES string of a molecular compound into an extended-connectivity fingerprint (ECFP).

ECFPs were originally described in a 2010 article of Rogers and Hahn [1] and still belong to the most popular and efficient methods to turn a molecule into an informative vectorial representation for downstream machine learning tasks. The ECFP-algorithm is dependent on two predefined hyperparameters: the fingerprint-length L and the maximum radius R. An ECFP of length L takes the form of an L-dimensional bitvector containing only 0s and 1s. Each component of an ECFP indicates the presence or absence of a particular circular substructure in the input compound. Each circular substructure has a center atom and a radius that determines its size. The hyperparameter R defines the maximum radius of any circular substructure whose presence or absence is indicated in the ECFP. Circular substructures for a central nitrogen atom in an example compound are depicted in the image below.

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