Author Archives: James Broster

My CCDC Science Day Experience

In June, I had the opportunity to visit the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre (CCDC) for Science Day to give a lightning talk on my rotation project with OPIG. The day was packed with presentations from researchers and PhD students collaborating with the CCDC, offering a great opportunity to hear about some of the fascinating work happening there in the fields of Structural and Computational Chemistry.

We kicked off with a dinner at the University Arms in Cambridge. This was a great opportunity to meet people who were attending Science Day in a relaxed environment, complemented by the lovely food and drink.

The next day was all about the talks. The first part of the day was filled with longer talks by more senior PhD students and CCDC researchers, followed by lightning talks from first-year PhD or master’s students. These shorter presentations provided a fast-paced overview of each project.

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