Author Archives: Eoin Malins

Solving WORDLE with grep

People seem to have become obsessed with wordle, just like they became obsessed with sudoku. After my initial burst of “oh a new game!” had waned, I was left thinking “my time is precious and this is exactly what we have computers for”. With this in mind, below is my quick and dirty way of solving these. I’m sure the regexp gurus amongst you will have a more elegant solution.

Step 1: Make sure you’ve got /usr/share/dict/words installed. This is just a huge list of words in a specific language and for me, this required installing the British words list.

sudo apt-get install wbritish

Step 2: Go to wordle

Step 3: Pick a random 5-letter word as your starting point. This is where grep and /usr/share/dict/words comes in:

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A handful of lesser known python libraries

There are more python libraries than you can shake a stick at, but here are a handful that don’t get much love and may save you some brain power, compute time or both.

Fire is a library which turns your normal python functions into command-line utilities without requiring more than a couple of additional lines of copy-and-paste code. Being able to immediately access your functions from the command line is amazingly helpful when you’re making quick and dirty utilities and saves needing to reach for the nuclear approach of using getopt.

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Enhance your presentation by using virtual webcams and scene transitions

If you haven’t checked out Matt’s post on using OBS for recording video, I highly recommend doing so. OBS is a terrific way to present your work online. It can provide (amongst many, many other things) the ability to create live picture-in-picture scenes, so you can move through your powerpoint deck whilst overlaying video of your tiny talking head in the corner.

Continuing on from Matt’s post, I’d like to promote the OBS virtual camera plugin and Touch Portal.

Every company, department or course has its own favourite video conferencing application and whilst they all have their strengths, consistency is not one of them. If you want to consistently display your presentation and your live video regardless of the platform in use, this quickly gets into the “messy” territory. This is where the virtual camera comes in.

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The right tool for the job – The Joy of Excel

Excel’s pervasiveness has resulted in it being used (correctly or incorrectly) in just about every area of science.

Unfortunately, Excel has some traps for the new player and unless you’ve fallen for them before, they are not entirely obvious. They stem from the fact that Excel will try to help the user by reformatting data into what it thinks you mean.

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HERO proteins are here to save you (assuming you’re another protein or a fruit fly)

For one of OPIG’s short talks, I recently introduced the work done by Kotaro Tsuboyama et al. found in the paper A widespread family of heat-resistant obscure (Hero) proteins protect against protein instability and aggregation. As the name implies, HERO proteins have been found to retain function even after being boiled at 95C and have been found both in Drosophila and human HEK293T cell lines. Whilst it’s not impossible to find proteins which can “survive” 90+ Celsius, these are expected to be the reserve of extremophiles, not found in humans or fruit flies.

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Considering Containers? – Go for Singularity

Docker is an excellent containerisation system ideally suited to production servers.  It allows you to do one small thing but do it well.  For example, breaking a large blog up into individually maintained containers for a web-server, a database and (say) a wordpress instance. However due to inherent security woes, Docker doesn’t play nicely with multi-tenanted machines, the kind which are the bread and butter for researchers and HPC users.  That’s where Singularity steps in.   

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Making the most of your CPUs when using python

Over the last decade, single-threaded CPU performance has begun to plateau, whilst the number of logical cores has been increasing exponentially.

Like it or loathe it, for the last few years, python has featured as one of the top ten most popular languages [tiobe / PYPL].   That being said however, python has an issue which makes life harder for the user wanting to take advantage of this parallelism windfall.  That issue is called the GIL (Global Interpreter Lock).  The GIL can be thought of as the conch shell from Lord of the Flies.  You have to hold the conch (GIL) for your thread to be computed.  With only one conch, no matter how beautifully written and multithreaded your code, there will still only be one thread will be executed at any point in time.

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Le Tour de Farce v6.0

Tuesday the 12th of June brought sun, cycling and beer to the land of OPIG. It was once again time for the annual Tour de Farce.

Le tour, now in its highly refined 6.0 version, covered a route which took us from the statistics department at Oxford (home to many OPIGlets) to our first port of call, The Head of the River pub. We then followed the river Isis (or Thames if you prefer) from the head of the river towards Osney mead.

Passing though Osney we soon arrived at our second waypoint. The Punter. One of the OPIGlets lived locally and so we were met by their trusty companion, who was better behaved than many of the others on Le Tour.

Departing the punter on two wheels (or in one case, on one) we followed the river upstream to The Perch.


Our arrival at The Perch was slightly hampered by a certain OPIGlet taking out anything in her path in her excitement.  Mr Sulu.. Ramming speed.


Those that survived soon left the perch, as we were once again headed upstream, this time to The Trout.

Having braved about half the journey it was now time for another restorative beverage and to take on supplies.  Sustenance was provided by Jacob’s Inn.   Jacob’s Inn has the advantage of goats, chickens and pigs in the back garden.  Having spent most of the afternoon in each other’s company, the company of pigs was preferable for some.

As we finished dinner, the sun was beginning to set and so we abandoned the original plan of finishing off at The Fishes.  Instead we returned southwards where we closed off the evening with a drink at The Royal Oak, mere yards from where we started the day.

The route of the 2018 v6.0 Tour de Farce.



Storing your stuff with clever filesystems: ZFS and tmpfs

The filesystem is a a critical component of just about any operating system, however it’s often overlooked. When setting up a new server, the default filesystem options are often ticked and never thought about again. However, there exist a couple of filesystems which can provide some extraordinary features and speed. I’m talking about ZFS and tmpfs.

ZFS was originally developed by Oracle for their Solaris operating system, but has now been open-sourced and is freely available on linux. Tmpfs is a temporary file system which uses system memory to provide fast temporary storage for files. Together, they can provide outstanding reliability and speed for not very much effort.

Hard disk capacity has increased exponentially over the last 50 years. In the 1960s, you could rent a 5MB hard disk from IBM for the equivalent of $130,000 per month. Today you can buy for less than $600 a 12TB disk – a 2,400,000 times increase.

As storage technology has moved on, the filesystems which sit on top of them ideally need to be able to access the full capacity of those ever increasing disks. Many relatively new, or at least in-use, filesystems have serious limitations. Akin to “640K ought to be enough for anybody”, the likes of the FAT32 filesystem supports files which are at most 4GB on a chunk of disk (a partition) which can be at most 16TB. Bear in mind that arrays of disks can provide a working capacity of many times that of a single disk. You can buy the likes of a supermicro sc946ed shelf which will add 90 disks to your server. In an ideal world, as you buy bigger disks you should be able to pile them into your computer and tell your existing filesystem to make use of them, your filesystem should grow and you won’t have to remember a different drive letter or path depending on the hardware you’re using.

ZFS is a 128-bit file system, which means a single installation maxes out at 256 quadrillion zettabytes. All metadata is allocated dynamically so there isn’t the need to pre-allocate inodes and directories can have up to 2^48 (256 trillion) entries. ZFS provides the concept of “vdevs” (virtual devices) which can be a single disk or redundant/striped collections of multiple disks. These can be dynamically added to a pool of vdevs of the same type and your storage will grow onto the fresh hardware.

A further consideration is that both disks of the “spinning rust” variety and SSDs are subject to silent data corruption, i.e. “bit rot”. This can be caused by a number of factors even including cosmic rays, but the consequence is read errors when it comes time to retrieve your data. Manufacturers are aware of this and buried in the small print for your hard disk will be values for “unrecoverable read errors” i.e. data loss. ZFS works around this by providing several mechanisms:

  • Checksums for each block of data written.
  • Checksums for each pointer to data.
  • Scrub – Automatically validates checksums when the system is idle.
  • Multiple copies – Even if you have a single disk, it’s possible to provide redundancy by setting a copies=n variable during filesystem creation.
  • Self-healing – When a bad data block is detected, ZFS fetches the correct data from a redundant copy and replaces it with the correct data.

An additional bonus to ZFS is its ability to de-duplicate data. Should you be working with a number of very similar files, on a normal filesystem, each file will take up space proportional to the amount of data that’s contained. As ZFS keeps checksums of each block of data, it’s able to determine if two blocks contain identical data. ZFS therefore provides the ability to have multiple pointers to the same file and only store the differences between them.


ZFS also provides the ability to take a point in time snapshot of the entire filesystem and roll it back to a previous time. If you’re a software developer, got a package that has 101 dependencies and you need to upgrade it? Afraid to upgrade it in case it breaks things horribly? Working on code and you want to roll back to a previous version? ZFS snapshots can be run with cron or manually and provide a version of the filesystem which can be used to extract previous versions of overwritten or deleted files or used to roll everything back to a point in time when it worked.

Similar to deduplication, a snapshot won’t take up any disk extra space until the data starts to change.

The other filesystem worth mentioning is tmpfs. Tmpfs takes part of the system memory and turns it into a usable filesystem. This is incredibly useful for systems which create huge numbers of temporary files and attempt to re-read them. Tmpfs is also just about as fast as a filesystem can be. Compared to a single SSD or a RAID array of six disks, tmpfs blows them out of the water speed wise.

Creating a tmpfs filesystem is simple:
First create your mountpoint for the disk:

mkdir /mnt/ramdisk

Then mount it. The options are saying make it 1GB in size, it’s of type tmpfs and to mount it at the previously created mount point:

mount –t tmpfs -o size=1024m tmpfs /mnt/ramdisk

At this point, you can use it like any other filesystem:

df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda1  218G 128G   80G  62% /
/dev/sdb1  6.3T 2.4T  3.6T  40% /spinnyrust
tank       946G 3.5G  942G   1% /tank
tmpfs      1.0G 391M  634M  39% /mnt/ramdisk