Tips & tricks with PyMOL

I have been using PyMOL, a molecular visualisation program, throughout my PhD and wanted to share some of the things I’ve learned.

1. Installation

Open source PyMOL can be installed using conda: conda install -c conda-forge pymol-open-source. It does not watermark figures and has full functionality, as far as I have been able to tell.

2. Documentation

You can find documentation for PyMOL online (, which can be very helpful, although is not entirely complete.

3. Some of my favourite PyMOL commands/selections

  • Standard commands: fetch, load, show, hide, select, create
  • within: Select/show/color/etc. objects within a distance from another object. This is great, for example, to visualise binding sites.
  • ray: Ray trace your images for higher resolution. You can specify the resolution – I usually go for ray 2000, 2000.
  • color / set_color: These commands allow you to use personalised colors
  • distance: Find the distance between two selections. You can format the dashed line with e.g., dash_color and dash_radius.
  • align and super: Align two selections; the former command takes sequence into account, while the latter does not.

4. Playing around with visualisations

5. Pymol scripts

You can create .pml scripts with PyMOL commands and run these in PyMOL. For example, pml_script.pml:

load 3w2d.pdb
select Ab, chain H + chain L
select Ag, chain A

show cartoon, Ab + Ag
color blue, Ab
color red, Ag

In the command line, you can run: pymol pml_script.pml.

To run this script without opening the PyMOL GUI: pymol -c pml_script.pml

6. Python + PyMOL scripts

PyMOL is compatible with Python! This is incredibly helpful when using PyMOL iteratively, such as for distance or rmsd calculations. There are a few ways Python + PyMOL scripts can be written/executed, but I typically use the following:

import pandas as pd

abs = pd.read_csv("antibody_pdbs.csv")

for ind, row in abs.iterrows():
    cmd.create("ab", f"chain {row['Hchain']} + chain {row['Lchain']}")
    print("cdrh3_anchor_dist:", cmd.distance("ab & resi 105 & name CA", "ab & resi 117 & name CA"))

In the command line, you can run: pymol

Again, to run this script without opening the PyMOL GUI: pymol -c

You can see more, e.g., at

8. .pymolrc

You can specify default settings in a .pymolrc file in your home directory (~/.pymolrc). Some of the key settings in my .pymolrc file (which I adapted from Prof Phill Stansfeld – thanks!) include:

viewport 800, 800
bg white # background to white
set orthoscopic, 1 # perspective
set two_sided_lighting, 1 # illuminate inside and outside of surfaces
set antialias = 1 # smooths jagged edges in ray tracing
set ray_shadow,0 # no shadow
set ray_trace_mode = 1 # default ray trace mode
space cmyk # cmyk color space
