Cross referencing across LaTeX documents in one project

A common scenario we come across is that we have a main manuscript document and a supplementary information document, each of which have their own sections, tables and figures. The question then becomes – how do we effectively cross-reference between the documents without having to tediously count all the numbers ourselves every time we make a change and recompile the documents?

The answer: cross referencing!

This solution is based on the tex stackexchange thread found here:

Create two *.tex files that will contain the source code for you documents. For example: main.tex for your manuscript and SI.tex for your supplementary information.

Add the following code to the header of both files.


    \IfFileExists{#1}{}{\typeout{No file #1.}}


Then, create a new file called “latexmkrc” and paste the following code into it:

$sub_doc_output = 'output-subdoc';

@sub_doc_options = ();

push @sub_doc_options, '-pdf'; # Use pdflatex for compilation of external documents.
# Replace '-pdf' by '-pdfdvi', 'pdfxe', or 'pdflua' if needed.

push @file_not_found, '^No file\\s*(.+)\s*$';

add_cus_dep( 'tex', 'aux', 0, 'makeexternaldocument' );
sub makeexternaldocument {
    if ( $root_filename ne $_[0] )  {
        my ($base_name, $path) = fileparse( $_[0] );
        pushd $path;
        my $return = system "latexmk",
        if ( ($sub_doc_output ne ' ') && ($sub_doc_output ne '.') ) {

             rdb_add_generated( "$sub_doc_output/$base_name.aux" );
             copy "$sub_doc_output/$base_name.aux", ".";
        return $return;

Finally, add a command declaring the external document before the \begin{document} statement in each of the files. So in main.tex add:


And to SI.tex add:


After recompiling you can now reference labels across documents using the usual:


Here is a minimal working example with main.tex:



\IfFileExists{#1}{}{\typeout{No file #1.}}



\title{mini cross reffing example}
\author{npq15 }
\date{November 2024}





I am referencing a SI figure: \ref{fig:SI}


… and SI.tex:

\usepackage{graphicx} % Required for inserting images

    \IfFileExists{#1}{}{\typeout{No file #1.}}



\title{mini cross reffing example SI}
\author{npq15 }
\date{November 2024}




    \caption{SI figure}

I am referencing a main figure: \ref{fig:main}


Happy LaTEXing 🙂
