Protein Property Prediction Using Graph Neural Networks

Proteins are fundamental biological molecules whose structure and interactions underpin a wide array of biological functions. To better understand and predict protein properties, scientists leverage graph neural networks (GNNs), which are particularly well-suited for modeling the complex relationships between protein structure and sequence. This post will explore how GNNs provide a natural representation of proteins, the incorporation of protein language models (PLLMs) like ESM, and the use of techniques like residual layers to improve training efficiency.

Why Graph Neural Networks are Ideal for Representing Proteins

Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have emerged as a promising framework to fuse primary and secondary structure representation of proteins. GNNs are uniquely suited to represent proteins by modeling atoms or residues as nodes and their spatial connections as edges. Moreover, GNNs operate hierarchically, propagating information through the graph in multiple layers and learning representations of the protein at different levels of granularity. In the context of protein property prediction, this hierarchical learning can reveal important structural motifs, local interactions, and global patterns that contribute to biochemical properties.

Specialized graph architectures like, Graph Convolutional Networks (GCNs), can capture local and global patterns as well as irregular protein structures, such as loops, and offer interpretable embeddings that associate nodes with specific amino acids or functional groups. Equivariant Graph Networks (EGNNs) are another specialized type of GNN designed to respect the inherent symmetries of data. The term ’equivariant’ refers to how these networks maintain consistent behavior under transformations such as rotations, translations, and reflections. By leveraging the inherent symmetry of molecular structures, EGNNs can model the 3D con- formations of proteins, ensuring that predictions remain consistent regardless of the orientation or position in space. This capability is important for tasks such as predicting protein-protein interactions, folding patterns, and enzyme activity, where precise 3D geometry is crucial for understanding function.

Several approaches have emerged employing GNNs to learn structural representations and capture useful functional relationships for downstream tasks like molecule binding protein interface studies, and property predictions.

Leveraging Pre-trained Language Models for Proteins

Recent advancements in protein language models (PLLMs) like ESM (Evolutionary Scale Modeling) have made it possible to predict protein properties based on evolutionary information embedded in amino acid sequences. These models are trained on massive amounts of sequence data, capturing the evolutionary context, which is crucial for understanding protein function.

By using embeddings from the final layers of models like ESM, we can enrich GNNs with these evolutionary insights. This is achieved by transforming the sequence-based embeddings into node features within the graph, effectively integrating both structural and sequence-based information into a single model.

Moreover, instead of treating these embeddings as static, integrating (and thus finetuning) ESM within the GNN framework allows gradient flow through the entire architecture during training, making the embeddings dynamic and adaptive. This unified approach brings out the full predictive potential of combining sequence data with structural information.

Addressing Oversmoothing with Residual Layers

One of the key challenges in training graph neural networks is the phenomenon known as oversmoothing. As more layers are added to a GNN, the model aggregates information from neighboring nodes to update each node’s representation. However, with too many layers, this process can lead to node embeddings becoming too similar to each other. As a result, the model loses its ability to differentiate between nodes, causing the unique characteristics of each amino acid to be blurred or averaged out.

To mitigate this, residual layers are often introduced. Residual layers, originally popularized in deep learning through ResNet architectures, allow information to “skip” certain layers during training. Here’s how they work:

  • In a standard neural network layer, the output is a transformation (via weights and activations) of the input.
  • A residual layer introduces a “skip connection,” where the input to a layer is also added directly to the layer’s output.

In essence, the layer is learning both the desired transformation of the input as well as how to retain the original input. This direct addition of the input ensures that the model can still capture the unique properties of each node (amino acid in this case), even as deeper layers try to learn more complex relationships.

Why Use Residual Layers in GNNs for Proteins?

For protein structure prediction, preserving the identity of individual amino acids is critical. Amino acids that are close in space might play very different roles in the protein’s function, so it is important that a GNN can differentiate them effectively. Without residual layers, the model might struggle to capture these differences as more layers are added, leading to oversmoothing. Residual layers ensure that the model maintains a balance between learning complex, high-level interactions and preserving the essential, distinguishing features of each node.

Try It Out on Your Own!

Now that you understand how graph neural networks can be used to represent proteins and how combining them with powerful pre-trained protein language models like ESM can enhance predictive accuracy, it’s time to try it out!

Experiment with different architectures, fine-tune your models, and explore how these methods can be applied to your own protein prediction challenges. Whether you’re working on protein folding, drug discovery, or understanding protein interactions, GNNs offer a powerful tool to unlock new insights.

So, go ahead—dive into GNNs and PLLMs for protein property prediction and see what breakthroughs you can achieve!
