OPunting 2024

This week (2024-08-07) instead of our usual group meeting, OPIG took to the high seas. The OPIGlets pooled our resources and procured punts from many different berths. Organised by Admiral Nele, we departed from the Cherwell boathouse and shipped out the 0.5 nautical miles (3.28801867e-6 light seconds for those playing along in metric) upriver to the Vicky Arms.

Despite visiting the odd bush on the way, scurvy scallywags one and all were herded in a generally upstream direction with Matt and Eoin leading the way. With the first two punts having safely reached dry land and refuelled their ethanol fuel cells, the question remained where on earth everyone had got to. Sagely concluding they’d probably all sunk another pint was had in their honour.

To cries of “land ho!”, eventually the remaining crews made their appearances, everyone docked and more refreshments were procured.

Those who had never punted before were obliged to do so on the way back. Despite the maritime equivalent of a sixteen-point-turn, we got eventually underway, in many cases straight into the nearest bush. The return journey should really only have been a case of “just keep it upright” as the flow of the river would take us straight back to the boathouse. However, certain well lubricated OPIGlets were determined to help by using the emergency paddle in hydrodynamically improbable ways. Due to this help, the return journey was significantly longer than that on the way out.

Matteo Ferla kindly 3D printed awards which were handed out when the final boat (finally) made it to shore:

Medals were awarded for:

  • First punt to the Victoria Arms (specifically first punt to touch the pier)
  • First punt back to the boat house (specifically first punt to  clear Wolfson bridge) 
  • Most soaked individual
  • Most bumps


  • Last punt to Victoria arms
  • Last punt back
  • Biggest nuisance leaving the boathouse

Many puntists retreated to the Rose and Crown (on North Parade) with the evening drawing to a close with the hardened few plundering The Turf Tavern
