Monthly Archives: July 2024

Le Tour de Farce v11.0

“They don’t make them like they used to!”

With much experience of all things farcical, it was my delight to have returned just in time for the 2024 edition of OPIG’s Tour de Farce, which took place on 11th July. This year’s route was 8 miles long and encompassed four of the finest establishments Oxford has to offer (nothing “unusually conservative” to see here Eoin).

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The Tale of the Undead Logger

A picture of a scary-looking zombie in a lumberjack outfit holding an axe, in the middle of a forest at night, staring menacingly at the viewer.
Fear the Undead Logger all ye who enter here.
For he may strike, and drain the life out nodes that you hold dear.
Among the smouldering embers of jobs you thought long dead,
he lingers on, to terrorise, and cause you frightful dread.
But hark ye all my tale to save you from much pain,
and fight ye not anew the battles I have fought in vain.

Or simply…

… Tips and Tricks to Use When wandb Logger Just. Won’t. DIE.

The Weights and Biases Logger (illustrated above by DALL-E; admittedly with some artistic license) hardly requires introduction. It’s something of an industry standard at this point, well-regarded for the extensive (and extensible) functionality of its interactive dashboard; for advanced features like checkpointing model weights in the cloud and automating hyperparameter sweeps; and for integrating painlessly with frameworks like PyTorch and PyTorch Lightning. It simplifies your life as an ML researcher enormously by making it easy to track and compare experiments, monitor system resource usage, all while giving you very fun interactive graphs to play with.
Plot arbitrary quantities you may be logging against each other, interactively, on the fly, however you like. In Dark Mode, of course (you’re a professional, after all). Here’s a less artistic impression to give you an idea, should you have been living under a rock:

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Deliberately misfolding prions to find the golden thread.

Prion are both fascinating and terrifying. They occur naturally and have a purpose, but what that purpose is we’re still not entirely sure. Gene-knockout mice which no longer code for the prion protein do live, but they ain’t born typical.

The endogenous form of the prion protein (PrPC) can, through currently unknown mechanisms, take a different conformation, the pathogenic PrPSc. PrPSc is responsible for fatal, rapidly progressing neurodegenerative disorders which in many cases can jump species.

At OPIG, we recently discussed a remarkably rigorous series of experiments outlined in the paper “A Protein Misfolding Shaking Amplification-based method for the spontaneous generation of hundreds of bona fide prions” Whilst deliberately creating new pathogenic prions may seem and odd thing to wish to achieve, the authors aimed to determine if there was a golden thread linking “infectivity determinants, interspecies transmission barriers or the structural influence of specific amino acids”.

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Easy Python job queues with RQ

Job queueing is an important consideration for a web application, especially one that needs to play nice and share resources with other web applications. There are lots of options out there with varying levels of complexity and power, but for a simple pure Python job queue that just works, RQ is quick and easy to get up and running.

RQ is a Python job queueing package designed to work out of the box, using a Redis database as a message broker (the bit that allows the app and workers to exchange information about jobs). To use it, you just need a redis-server installation and the rq module in your python environment.

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