Useful small molecules blogs

I thought I’d share a list of some of the other blogs that have helped me during my PhD so far and may be useful to new starters (or those who may not have come across them before). This list is by no means exhaustive and I’m very open to other recommendations!

RDKit blog

Greg Landrum’s blog contains many tutorials and jupyter notebooks that explore all aspects of RDKit’s functionality. An essential for anyone who uses RDKit regularly!

Practical Cheminformatics

Pat Walters’ blog contains many useful cheminformatics tutorials and more general posts on topics such as AI in drug discovery, generative design etc. I also discovered while writing this his post on useful open-source cheminformatics resources.

Is life worth living?

Contains lots of really useful code snippets on all aspects of cheminformatics — I’ve discovered a lot of new packages from here!

Macs in Chemistry

More relevant to people using Apple macs, although I have found some useful resources in the Hints and Tutorials page (for example, regarding clustering and docking).

Practical Fragments and In the Pipeline

Two more general blogs that cover the latest developments and publications in fragment-based drug discovery (from Dan Erlanson) and the broader drug discovery pipeline (from Derek Lowe), respectively.


This blog of course contains lots of useful tutorials and code snippets — check out the Cheminformatics and How To categories.


