Seaborn is a Python-based data visualization library, which is based on matplotlib ( . I would like to share some guidance/code to get started with drawing plots using this library! I will be using the dataset ‘flights’ from Seaborn ( to highlight an example.
1. Installation of Seaborn
#if you want to install via pip pip install seaborn
#if you want to install via conda conda install seaborn
2. Import Seaborn on Python
import seaborn as sns
3. Load and Check the Data
#load dataframe 'flights' from Seaborn flights_df = sns.load_dataset('flights') #view flights_df flights_df
4. Sample Plots to Visualize the Data
Bar Plot
sns.catplot(x='year', y='passengers', data=flights_df, kind='bar', hue='month')
Scatter Plots
As shown below, ‘hue’ allows to specify the column in the dataframe that should be used for colour encoding.
#without hue sns.catplot(x='year', y='passengers', data=flights_df)
#with hue sns.catplot(x='year', y='passengers', data=flights_df, hue='month')
Violin Plot
sns.catplot(x='month', y='passengers', data=flights_df, kind='violin')